Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Great Manifestation of Avaloketishvara Bodhisattva - Chenrezig

Why is Chenrezig known as the Buddha of compassion?

Chenrezig is a Buddha who symbolizes the compassion of all the Buddhas. He vowed himself that he would not rest until all beings entered Nirvana.

In that process, he takes a vow: "May I be able to establish in emancipation all the living beings in the cruel Land of Snow, where beings are so hard to discipline and none of the Buddhas of the three times has stepped out.
I may be able to mature and liberate them, each according to his way. May that gloomy, cruel country become bright, to the island of precious jewels." and takes a form with 1000 arms, 1000 eyes, and 11 heads to see and help everyone who is needed.

The meaning of the word chengrezig is CHAN means "eye, RE means "idea of continuity, and ZIG means 'to look." 

He is one of the celebrated deities, and he was the lord gifted with complete enlightenment who refrains from entering the blissful state of nirvana to remain below and save the living being of the earth. 

He is visualized in many forms, with various
numbers of faces armed and with various
colors and ornaments. He is four-armed
Chenrezig; his two arms are joined in the
prayer position, and his left arm is holding a
lotus flower, and his right hand is holding a
crystal mala (rosary).

He used to count that rosary and repeat his mantra, "Om Mani Padme Hum." He is the Boddhisattva of boundless compassion, which is the very embodiment and realization of the four immeasurable hands and arms signed of his. 

Universal love and compassion are the very foundation of every bodhisattva's spirituality, yet nowhere are they more evident than in Chenrezig. In many ways, he is the archetypal expression of compassion, which is the prerequisite for attaining enlightenment. 

What is the power of Chenrezig?

Reciting the Chenrezig mantra can bring all these incredible benefits because the act of reciting it with a strong, pure motivation has the power to transform our mind in two ways: 

By diminishing our negative minds and thus purifying our delusions, and by increasing our positive minds and thus accumulating great merit. 

What are the benefits of Chenrezig's mantra? 

Then the particular benefit of these mantras is that you generate great compassion for all sentient beings. Therefore, this is the best thing that you can do for world peace. Reciting these mantras is unbelievably important, it makes one's mind more peaceful, more calm, and more compassionate to others. 

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Aspiration For Bodhichitta

For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisenMay it arise and not decrease. But increase further and further. 

Dedication of Merit 

By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then. 

Having defeated the enemies wrongdoing. May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.

With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.


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