Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Prayer To Guru Rinpoche - To Clear Away Obstacles On The Path

Precious guru, embodiment of all Buddhas of the three times; Great bliss, the lord of all accomplishments; Wrathful power, who dispels all hindrances and subdues demons; Pray bestow your blessings. Please remove the outer, inner, and secret obstacles and grant your blessings to accomplish the wishes spontaneously.

When, due to the obstacles of the elements, earth, water, fire and wind, This illusory body, which is rented, is meeting the time to be perished. Requesting undoubtedly, without two pointed mind to Padmasambhava and the Goddess of the Elements, [there is] no doubt the four elements get naturally pacified. 

I request, Orgyen, the One Arising From the Lotus (Orgyen Pädma Chung Nä), Please bless the wishes to succeed naturally.

Hung urgyen yulgi nubchang tsam. Pema gesar dongpo la. 
In the northwest country of orgyen appearing miraculously on the stamen of a lotus stalk

Yat sen chogi ngodrup nye. Pema jungne she su dra.
Prossessed of the supreme accomplishment. Your are called pema jungne - the lotus born

Khordu khandro mangpo kor. Kyeki jesu dagdrup kyi.
Surrounded by a retinue of many dakinis, please come to this place and bless that i may follow after you.
Chingyi lopchir shegsu sol.Nechog diro chinpob la.
Bless this sublime place.

Drubchog dagla wongshi kur. Gegdang logtren barche sol.
Bestow the four empowerments to me the sublime practioner. Clear away obstructions and misleading forces.

Chogdang thunmong ngodrup tsol.
Pray and bestow the ordinary and supreme accomplishments

Om ah hung bendza guru pema siddhi hung.

Om ah hung bendza guru pema thotreng tsal bendza samaya dza dza sarwa siddhi phala hung ah hri ma hari nisa ratsa hri ya tsitta hrim hrim dza dza.

Guru kandroi tsokche kyi. Dakchak mopei bunam la.
Guru, host of dakinis and so on, to i and all your faithful sons

Lula kuyi chingyi lop. Ngak la sungi chingyi lop.
Bless our body by your body. Bless our speech by your speech,
Yidla thukkyi chingyi lop. Wangshi kurwar chingyi lop.
Bless our mind by your mind. Bestow the blessing of the four empowerments.

Gyushi takpar chingyi lop. Lamshi chongpar chingyi lop.
Bless us to purify the four streams. Bless us to traverse the four paths.

Kushi thoppar chingyi lop. 
Bless us to attain the four bodies.

Om ah hung bendza guru pema dewa dakini kaya abhikentsa om waka abhikentsa ah tsitta abhikentsa hung sarwa abhikentsa hri.

"Om ah hung bendza guru pema siddhi hung"
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Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

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