Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Essential Teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism (5/5)

Buddhism in Tibetan Following China's conquest of Tibet, the religion known as Tibetan Buddhism was driven from its native territory and into exile. It was once believed that one in six Tibetan men was a monk practicing Buddhism.

The Dalai Lama, who has been living in exile in India since escaping the Chinese takeover of his nation in 1959, is the most well-known representative of Tibetan Buddhism. 

Tibetan Buddhism incorporates elements from an old Tibetan religion known as Bon, Tantric, and Shamanic teachings, as well as the core teachings of Mahayana Buddhism.

While Vajrayana Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism are sometimes confused, they are not the same. In Tibetan Buddhism, Vajrayana is taught alongside the other vehicles. 

The characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism

1) The status of the teacher, or "Lama.
2) The significance of initiations and rituals. 
3) Rich symbolism in the visual
4) Parts of the ancient Tibetan religions
5) Mantras and meditation practices.

The Tibetan Book of Deaths
This is a well-known Tibetan Buddhist text and a best-seller in the West. The book's original title is Great Liberation via Hearing during the Intermediate State, or Liberation through Hearing as it is generally known in Tibet; the English title is not a translation of the Tibetan title. 
The experiences of a person transitioning from death to rebirth are the subject of the book.

Between death and rebirth is the state known as bardo. This is a condition that is thought to persist for 49 days; however, the various schools of Tibetan Buddhism perceive it differently. 
A person's bardo experience is influenced by their spiritual upbringing during their lifetime. An unskilled individual is said to be disoriented and maybe unaware of their own death. 

People frequently find it difficult to let go of their attachment to past lifetimes, and this can lead to unfavorable rebirths due to their bad feelings.
In traditional Tibetan Buddhism, a lama will assist the departed through bardo, reading prayers and performing rites from the Book of the Dead while offering guidance to the deceased on how to let go of attachment to their body and their previous life. 

Within certain schools of Tibetan Buddhism, the deceased person's consciousness is actively transferred from their body to prepare for rebirth by the lama.
Many Tibetan Buddhists think that by performing spiritual acts that elevate the merits of the deceased and benefit them, those who remain can support the deceased on their path.

By thinking good thoughts, meditating on Buddha and other virtues, and participating in spiritual activities, the living can assist the dead during the 49-day period when the dead can see clearly into the brains of those left behind.
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Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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