Friday, July 23, 2021

蓮師十日薈供共修開示 Tsok Offerings On Guru Rinpoche Day









Drolma Yuthog – The Powerful Puja of Arya Tara to Repel Adversity

Drolma Yuthog – Puja of Arya Tara to Repel Adversity.
The powerful prayer of Mother Arya Tara to repel negativities that was passed down by Arya Nagarjuna has many merits and benefits. Since the beginning of last year, the COVID-19 has brought about misery throughout the world and ravaged lives and livelihoods of many people. 

For an extraordinarily challenging time like this, conducting this Tara Puja will be extremely beneficial and urgently required. However to conduct such puja in our country is not possible as it involves the gathering of many participants. Thus I have asked a team of ten lamas from the Chorten Monastery of Sikkim, who currently reside in Bhutan to perform the puja. 

Arya Tara is the embodiment of Buddhas of the Three Times namely past, present and future. Many have espoused the practices, merits, sutra and tantra of Mother Arya Tara. This includes vast teachings about the deity by Sakyamuni Buddha. 
Tara manifested from the tears of Noble Avalokitesvara out of great compassion when he saw the unbearable sufferings of sentient beings in Samsara. The two tear drops became Green Tara and White Tara respectively. Usually Buddhahood is attained with a male body, there are hardly any emanations in female form. 

However, Tara is a unique exception. This is due to her vow to liberate all sentient beings until the exhaustion of Samsara in a female form. This Sadhana is revealed by Nagarjuna after he achieved siddhis from his practice of his ishtadevata Arya Tara and was then passed down through generations of masters from India to Tibet. 

In Tibet, the Sadhana was first introduced by Atisha who gave the transmission to one of his main disciples Dromtonpa and since then, the practice has flourished in Tibet until now. This Tara Sadhana from Nargajuna not only is able to repel all harms and obstacles inflicted by haughty demons and vile spirits, it is like a wish fulfilling jewel cintamaniraja on the hood of Naga King Tsugna Rinzin which can fulfill all mundane and supramundane wishes. 
If someone relies on evil spirits or demons to cast curses and black magic on us, or tries to exert control on us through subjugation practices or when ominous circumstances arise within a community, all this can be repelled by this Tara puja. 

It is also a sublime and profound personal practice to attain spiritual achievements (Skt. Siddhis). When we travel on long journeys for important tasks, this practice can eliminate all outer and inner obstacles. When geopolitical conflicts and epidemics arise, they can also be easily quelled. 

Therefore, practising this Tara Sadhana with faith and devotion can help one achieve all worldly and supramundane aims.  Other benefits include the repelling of curses by mantrins, ominous dreams, harms caused by astral bodies, harms from obstructing spirits, deaths of livestock, harms from demons, etc. In a nutshell, all undesirable and negative circumstances can be resolved with this powerful practice. 
As Buddha taught us :“ From the causes created by this human body, one can achieve the fruition of enlightenment.” Although the power and blessing of compassion from all Buddhas benefitting sentient beings are non-dual. 

In this current age of Kali yuga, the blessing of Tara is the most powerful along with another four ishtadevatas namely, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani, Manjushri and Padmasambhava. Arya Tara is the swiftest among the five. 

For those who have received the empowerment of Arya Tara and oral transmission of the Praises to the Twenty One Taras, depending on one's generation of bodhicitta with the right altruistic intent, prepare outer and inner offerings in accordance to the tantra and maintain pure perception and purity of mind throughout the Sadhana will help one definitely accumulate immeasurable merits. 
Meditating upon Tara and the merit field, one can swiftly perfect the accumulation of merit and wisdom, and dispel both the cognitive and afflictive obstacles. 

By Gesar Chagtrul Thupten Thinley Rinpoche.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

龍樹菩薩所造的綠度母退敵回遮儀軌. 又稱《度母替身伏魔破陣法》




綠度母是一切三世諸佛的事業自在化身和本尊,一切三世諸佛都開示了許多綠度母的儀軌,功德利益和續部密法。 特別是釋迦牟尼佛也在大藏經裡廣泛開示綠度母的續部。 

綠度母是觀世音菩薩眼淚中顯現的化身,大悲觀音的兩滴淚水,分別化為綠度母和白度母。 三世諸佛普遍顯現男相成佛,很少有顯現女身相成佛的,而綠度母本尊則非常特殊,她在成佛前發願以女身相成道,要在輪迴空盡前一直以女相度化眾生。 

此儀軌乃龍樹菩薩所造,先自己修持綠度母獲得無上成就,爾後啟造這個殊勝儀軌,由弟子們世代傳承修習。 藏地此度母法則由阿底峽尊者從印度傳入,傳授給他的入室弟子仲敦巴,從此在藏地不斷傳承下來,功德事業巍巍不可思議。

此龍樹菩薩所造儀軌不僅可以回遮世間一切魑魅魍魎所作之障害,祂猶如龍王鄒那仁青頂髻的如意寶,也可以滿足世出世間一切所求的殊勝法門。 若有人依靠天龍八部等世間鬼神的力量.....


當我們遠行辦事之時,修持這個儀軌可以遣除成辦事業的一切內外障礙;又或我們所住的地方發生戰亂或傳染疾病,亦可以依止此法而得遣除。 總而言之,在具備對綠度母絕對的信心的基礎上修持此回遮儀軌,可以成辦一切世出世間之事業,加持的力量無法言喻。 


對於已經獲得綠度母灌頂和二十一度母讚頌文等口傳的修行人,在菩提心的基礎上,以利他心為動機,準備合乎儀軌要求的內外密如法的供品,內心清淨 和對境清淨,這樣絕對可以累積不可思議的福德資糧,通過對綠度母進行禪定和觀想積累智慧資糧,可以幫助修行者很快地圓滿福智二資糧,清淨煩惱障和所知障。


Monday, July 19, 2021

Namtose Vaisravana the enlightened wealth protector


Namtose or Vaisravana is an enlightened wealth protector who helps improve financial situations and grants strong protection against harmful interferences and negative energies. Excellent for homes, offices and places of business.

Namtose, also known as Vaisravana in Sanskrit and Bishamonten in Japanese, is a Buddha of Wealth and the Guardian of the Northern direction. He has two main aspects: that of a warrior protector and that of a deity of wealth.

Although fully enlightened, Namtose chose to manifest as a Bodhisattva with the aim of helping others overcome poverty and misery. He has promised Buddha Shakyamuni to preserve and protect the teachings of the Buddha and guide all its practitioners in future aeons.

He has one facetwo arms and rides upon a snow lion. His face has a stern expression with bushy eyebrows and a beardand his eyes are wide and round. His body is a rich golden yellowhis right hand holds a victory bannerand his left holds a mongoosecommonly associated with goodfortune in ancient India. The mongoose spits jewels symbolising his capacity as a wealth deity.

Namtose is one of the primary protectors of the Gelugpa sect and one of his specific functions is to protect the Middle Scope of the Lamrim. In his capacity as one of the Four Directional Guardians, Namtose is often depicted on the outer walls of monasteries and temples, to safeguard against harmful interferences.

This Namtose statue can be personalised with a hand-painted face using real gold dust or insertion of mantras and holy items. You can also offer traditional brocade clothing such as a Tibetan-style tule and pangden, or pearls and semi-precious stones, as H.E. Tsem Rinpoche always encouraged the practice of making offerings to the Three Jewels, which creates the causes for us to attain the six paramitas (perfections).

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?  

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general. 

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to enhance our work and to accomplish for a better and brighter prospect to come. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

When is auspicious and inauspicious days?

In the Buddhist calendar there are special days set aside to commemorate the four great deeds of Shakyamuni Buddha. On these days, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied by ten million times, so they are great days for accumulating merit. 

Usually, many hundreds of people do Kora (circumambulations) at both the Boudhanath  and the Swayambunath Stupa in Katmandu, make pilgrimages to holy places, offering lights, doing long prostrations on the kora circuit, offering whitewash and prayer flags at the stupa, and many other merit gathering activities. At the monasteries, special pujas are held with extensive prayers and offerings, and in some of them, a purification retreat.

The following is a quick list of some days to be aware of. They include some birthdays, special days, anniversaries and other events. Both with auspicious days with an increase in Karmic benefit and inauspicious days in which one should avoid certain ceremonies.
Auspicious days 
These are based on the Lunar Tibetan calendar. Any karmic actions are multiplied by 100 Million on these days.

1st month from days 1 through 15 : The Buddha is said to have performed many miracles during these and concluding on the 15th day which is the day of Miracles. 

4th month from 15th day : Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana.

6th month  4th Day : Lord Buddha’s first teaching. 

9th month  22nd Day : Lord Buddha’s actual descent from God Realm of Thirty- three. 
Days of Solar Eclipses days of Lunar Eclipses - On these days, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied by 7 million times.

Day for Practice: Every 15th/30th (new moon) day of Lunar Month.

Every 8th/15th : Medicine Buddh Puja

Naga Puja: Any one day, or more each month 

25th day of every lunar month : Dakini day   

8th day of every lunar month : Tara day 

10th day of every lunar month : Guru Rinpoche day with Tsog Ofeering

29th day of every lunar month : Dharmapala or Dharma protectors day
Inauspicious days
Do not start business ventures on Days 2, 12, 22 of every Tibetan month.  

No Sangha (community) events or parties on Days 10, 20, 30 of every Tibetan month;  

No Cremations or Funeral Ceremonies on Days 8, 18, 28 of every Tibetan month.  

No sending invitations on Days 1, 11, 21 of every Tibetan month.  

No starting building of new properties on Days 6, 16, 26 of every Tibetan month.

No haircuts on Days 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 of every Tibetan month.  

No Medical procedures on Days 4, 8, 11, 15, 18,22,25,29 of every Tibetan month.  

No memorials or wakes on Days 9, 19, 29 of every Tibetan month.  

No Weddings on these dates on Days 7, 17, 27 of every Tibetan month.

Do not hang prayer flags on Days 10, 22 of Tibetan Months 1, 5, 9 

Days 7, 19 of Tibetan Months 2, 6, 10 

Days 4, 16, 28 of Tibetan Months 3, 7, 11 

Days 1, 13, 25 of Tibetan Months 4, 8, 12

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?  

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general. 

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to enhance our work and to accomplish for a better and brighter prospect to come. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Guru Rinpoche said: When practicing the Dharma, there are seven types of depravities/corruption.

Bodhisattva ask: What  are they ?

Guru Rinpoche said:

When you have low confidence but high intelligence, you will become corrupt because you think you are a guru.

When you have a lot of audiences and high self-esteem, you are corrupted by what you consider to be knowledgeable.

When you imagine that you have uncommon merits, but don't take the Dharma in your heart, you will become corrupt because you consider yourself a leader.

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When you receive an oral transmission, but don’t practice it yourself, you will become corrupt by becoming an insensitive "Expert in Buddhism"

5) 當你喜歡無聊的碎嘴而內心欠缺佛法時,會因成為攀緣的江湖術士而腐敗。
When you are bored, but with a long-winded and lack the Dharma in your heart, you will become corrupt because you become a warlock.

6) 當你懂得一些皮毛卻欠缺口訣時,會因成為一個或許信心強大的凡夫而腐敗。
When you know a little, but owe a little trick, you will become corrupt by becoming an ordinary person who may have overconfidence.

7) 一個真正的修行者,他的言行若符合正法,應能以聰慧解脫自身、以信心調伏內心、以聽聞法教來斬斷謬見、能拋卻世俗的考量、將心融入佛法之中、以聞思來完備智慧、以口訣來定心,以及用見修來獲得最後的定力。不過,那是很困難的。
A true practitioner, if his words and deeds conform to the Dhama, you should be able to liberate yourself with intelligence, tune your heart with faith, Listen to the Dharma teachings to cut off myths, and to cast aside worldly considerations, immerse the heart in the Dharma, complete one wisdom with practice of listening and contemplation, practise on transmission and to set one's mind at rest , and use the cultivation to get an ultimate concentration, However, that is difficult.

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general.

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to enhance our work and to accomplish for a better and brighter prospect to come.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Seven Branches Prayers

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Drodul Trinley Dorje stated: “The key points of the Seven Branches Payer is to gather the accumulations and purify the obscurations. 

There is no practice that is not included within these two. Gathering the accumulations means gathering all the favourable conditions for developing the path within our beings. Purifying misdeeds and obscurations means clearing away the conditions that counteract developing the path within.”

Seven Branches or Seven Limb Prayer serves as the basic structure of many Buddhist prayers, sadhanas and pujas.  It consists of following seven branches: 
1. Prostrations - antidote to pride and ego-clinging; the result of the practice is that one will never be separated from the Three Jewels and will be held with kindness, love and compassion of Lamas until Awakening. 
2. Offerings - antidote for desire and attachment; cultivating generosity and offerings (material and visualized) result in liberation of attachments and habits of attachments and it accumulates merit. 
3. Confession - antidote for negativities accumulated since time without beginning; results of such practice brings experiences of better forms of rebirth, for instance, a body which is an appropriate vessel for the practice of Dharma. 
4. Rejoicing - antidote for habitual patterns of envy and jealousy; it brings about support and inspiration of good Dharma friends and conditions favorable for practice of Dharma. 
5. Requesting the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to teach Dharma - antidote for ignorance; by the power of this aspiration one can develop the wisdom to understand the profound meaning of the Teachings. 
6. Requesting the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas not to pass away - antidote to wrong views; this request purifies disturbing emotions arising from our wrong perceptions and gives rise to the proper view. 
7. Dedication - antidote to unskillful or stupid acts; proper dedication is characterized by two facts: one dedicates whatever merit for nothing less than Enlightenment and aspires to it in order to benefit all sentient beings; it results in the development of skillful means of Bodhisattvas and attaining complete Awakening.
Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general.

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to enhance our work and to accomplish for a better and brighter prospect to come.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.