Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Living Journal - Refresh And Renew of Suffering.

 I believe that the people we mix with are important, so we should create a positive ground.  For example, do your friends motivate and inspire you? Are you negative about life?

^_^ In fact, Yes I do sometimes! Being a Buddhist does not make you a better person, unless you have learned the Dharma and put it into actions, likewise it may seem like a sick person never take his or her medication after consultation with the doctors.
^_^ It is important to choose friends, when I share problems with friends, I am not looking for comfort, but an advice and solutions. Sometimes mix with people who you want to, but at the wrong time and the wrong crowd. With a YES attitude to life, nothing is impossible. Our mental strength is very powerful. With this assets, everything can be resolved, when you're mentally strong, nothing is a problem.
^_^ Life isn't just about work, money, marriage, and buying the things you want; life is about giving, and that is the true meaning of life. That is what enjoyment means in life. Things you share is more enjoyable than you are using it alone.
^_^ To me, the living Journal of living right is the most important thing in life. I always ask myself, how will people remember us ? For me, rather than buying a big house, big car,  I  have chosen a simple life, but with an affordable standard of living. Greediness when a greed is a bottomless pit which endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. 

^_^ I am not saying that we shouldn't work hard for a comfortable life, a good marriage and raise a family, but knowing the danger of greed is extremely destructive, it destroys everything once we owned.

^_^ You may be a billionaire and owned 100 of Penthouses, but you can only live in ONE at a time.
^_^ When we die, Is there any difference between a rich and a poor ? 

The Four Noble Truths is the Buddha's first sermon after his Enlightenment. The truths are :-
° The truth of suffering.
° The truth of the cause of suffering.
° The truth of the end of suffering.
° The truth of that free us from  suffering.


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May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

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