Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rinpoche of the secret hidden velley is visiting Malaysia in October 2014.

His venerable Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche of the Sangchen Rabten Nurbuling Monastery located in the secret hidden Kyimolung valley will be arriving in Malaysia on October 02, 2014. Rinpoche will be conducting for Dharma talks and teaching, and meeting with the disciples at the Mahasukha Malaysia center.
His venerable Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche has recently completed in May 2014 for his scholar program studies at the Hampshire College and University of Amherst Massachusetts of United State.
Programs and activities will be scheduled at the Mahasukha Malaysia center as follows:-
(For more details,please visit the Mahasukha Malaysia facebook)
  • Oral transmission of Vajrasattva on Oct 04,2014
  • Explanation the benefits of Vajrasattva practice on Oct 05, 2014.
  • The four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma public teaching on Oct 12, 2014.
Rinpoche was at the H.H Sakya Trinzin Rinpoche center in US.

Mahasukha Malaysia Buddhist Society Center
Rinpoche his nature of love with the animals
Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

Sangchen Rabten Norbuling of Kyimolung Valley.

Sangchen Rabten Norbuling  which means the Great Secret, Absolutely Firm, and Precious Location. The Monastery is located deep in the Himalaya mountains in an incredibly beautiful valley called Kyimolung Valley near the Nepal-Tibet border in the central Himalayas. 

It is known by Tibetan Buddhist spiritual practitioners as a beyul or hidden valley of happiness. Sangchen Rabten Norbuling is a place of retreat, contemplation, and meditation, with many holy sites which are visited by Buddhists to receive blessings. Although the monastery is small, its untouched beauty and serenity provides an undisturbed environment for the practice of Dharma. 

The monastery itself is on a small and idyllic plateau, with wild flowers, rhododendrons, holy junipers and other pines. Wild animals roam around in a small meadow in front of it.  

His venerable Karma Migur Dorje Rinpiche and Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche one of the spiritual Rinpoche for Sangchen Rabten Nurbuling Monastery,  He is also the spiritual leader and founder of the Mahasukha Malaysia, Singapore and France, This are the Mahasukha International group of networks.
1) Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche
2) Karma Migur Dorje Rinpiche
3) Tulku Jigme Chophel Gyatso Rinpoche

our spiritual teachers  His venerable Karma Migur Dorje Rinpiche and Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche their spiritual goals and simplest noble message to the world is:-
To be happy and to bring happiness to the world through spiritual knowledge.
Sangchen Rabten Nurbuling Monastery bird view
Early spring at the Sangchen Rabten Nurbuling Monastery
His Venerable Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche
Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

Life of the hidden Kyimolung valley part 2

Kyimolung valley which means the happiness and  the term of happiness to the outsiders may consider it as the opposite facts of life.  Located at a high altitude and above sea levels, life is constantly, facing many hardships, uncertainties and it could be a suffering life in the eyes of the outsiders. 
5 year old boy already learn how doing cooking.
The most simplest necessity such as the water supplying, electricity, education facility, medication, health care, basis road access, transportation are virtually none exists. 

The common threats will be  the low mortality rate due to the poor living conditions, and as well as the relatively shortened lifespan is what the villagers are experienced in today's world. Children as young as  4 or 5 are already to take up the challenge of their life. 

A group of young children are having their lunch break in school
Most of the children are growing up in a farming environment and these children will be the domestic helpers to the parents for farming, household activities and some fortunate children will be able to go to the smaller centers to receive the basic education, and this community project is usually  run by the villager's head and funding is associated from the Monastery projects and guidance.
Children are being taught in basic mathematics
The following images will provide you the information how independent of these little children, how they preparing for their meals, how they study in one roof for their better future to come. 

Despite of what the villagers and children are faced with the uncertainties and challenges with this kind of harsh living environment, lacking of the basic necessities, but then again the quality of happiness of the children and the villagers is untouchable as they are living under the the noble teaching of the Buddhas of what is impermanent and what the causes of conditions and sufferings.
A classroom that built by woods and stone bricks
The life of this under privilege children are desperately reaching out for help.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

8 Auspicious Offerings - 4th Offering - Incense [Part 5]

The subject continue today is all about what significant for Eight offerings, we make these offerings to the Buddhas, enlightened beings in many practices, such as the Vajrasattva Practice, Guru Yoga and other profound Vajrayana practices.

The Buddhas, enlightened beings they do not requiring these kind of offerings. We make these offerings is for accumulation of merits and wisdoms, enlightenment, Buddha hood, is achieved through these great qualities - accumulation and purifications. As we knew the Buddhas had limitless of qualities which were attained through these two mentioned qualities.

4) Incense for offerings ( Discipline, Moral Ethnic )

Om Benza Dhupe Ah Hum
Incense, or fragrance is offered not because the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are in need of assistance to get rid of any bad odors. Rather, incense if offered so that the annihilation of all unpleasant and unhealthful smells may take place, and, ultimately, that the merit accumulated might bring about the realization of perfection of the profound scent of discipline. It has been said that whoever has perfected the discipline is surrounded by a sweet fragrance.

Incense symbolizes moral ethnics or discipline, moral disciplines is one of the most important practices. When we are having a good discipline, there is morality. 

Discipline is in the teaching of dharma, for instances will be when our guru or Lama asking us to meditate like this, sit like this, do this and that, so this is being taught like discipline, when we followed the instructions, it is good moral ethnics but if we can't do or following the instructions that are taught to be done, then there is no morality, no ethnics. 
In Sanskrit, this is called shila which means coolness, freshness. When we are having good disciplines, it cools the mind free from sufferings. When we sit or stay in the rightful and correct position while meditating, it relaxes the minds and frees it from agitation. Therefore the Buddha gave us these three teachings - moral ethnic, samadhi and wisdom, called the three trainings.

These three trainings are very important. Wisdom or special insight comes from samadhi , the stability and strength of the mind. This kind of mind is based on discipline and morality. All are related to each other, are connected to each other and depend on each other. Moral and ethnic is a very important aspect of our paths.
Incense, which is the natural of morality, makes offerings to the enlightened beings. The enlightened beings are not attracted to the incense smell or smoke, but to our purity. 

All people respect those who have kept moral ethnic well and it doesn't matter who they are, they get respect because they are trustworthy and dependable. 

The qualities of the enlightened beings are also attached to by morality. It is their foundation, basis, just like the ground which grows all the "crops" of the enlightened qualities.

Fifth offerings to be continued in part 6

I do not own or infringe any copyright of these photos.
Photos courtesy and credit to it rightful owners.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

life of the hidden Kyimolung valley part 1

Kyimolung which means the valley of happiness is a secret hidden plateau of Himalayan near the Nepal-Tibetan border located in the center of the Himalayan Mountains. It is known by the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual practitioners as a beyul of 'hidden valley'.
Padmasambhava or known as Guru Rinpoche, the 9th century Buddhist master who was instrumental in establishing Buddhism in Tibet. Blessed Kyimolung Valley with his presence. In the 12th century, Jetsun Milarepa the legendary yogi from Tibet who gained famed for his fierce diligence meditation resulting in his attainment of buddhahood in one single lifetime, also settled in this special place to perfect his religion practices.
Kyimolung Valley with plenty of wild flowers, rhododendrons, beautiful junipers ,pines and in amazingly connected with mountains natural spirits , secret holy lake, secret meditation caves by the holy lamas and Yogis and as well by other the realized beings. In the Himalayan valley there are many known wild animals such as the highly endangered snow leopards which rarely seen by the villagers, the snow monkeys, eagles, and another under the endangered listing animal is the Himalayan Vultures, black bears, snow foxes are the animals that roaming around in the snow lands. 

Deep in the unexplored virgin mountains , legendary said there is one of the most skeptical, fearsome, mysterious unknown species that  the local called it the " Yeti " the snowman or the Bigfoot or Sasquatch that famously known by the Western world. (Many reported sighting cases by the villagers of that creature but somehow very little scientific evidence of the existence of the Yeti ) 

Kyimolung valley which means the happiness and  the term of happiness to the outsiders may look different.  Located at a high altitude and above sea levels, life is constantly, facing many hardships, uncertainties and it could be a suffering life in the eyes of the outsiders. The most simplest necessity such as the water supplier, electricity, education facility, medication, health care, basis road access, transportation are almost none exists.

The common threats will be  the low mortality rate due to the poor living conditions, and as well the relatively shortened lifespan is the common threat to the villagers in today's world. Children as young as  4 or 5 are already to take up the challenge of their life. 

Most of the children are growing up in a farming environment and these children will be the domestic helpers to the parents for farming, household activities and some fortunate children will be able to go to the smaller centers to receive the basic education,and this community project is usually  run by the villager's head and the funding is from the Monastery projects. 
 The following images will give you the information how independent of these little children, how they preparing for their meals, how they study in one roof for their better future to come and despite of what the villagers and children are facing with the uncertainties and challenging under such a harsh living environment, lacking of the basic necessities, but then again, the true happiness of the children and the villagers are untouchable as they are living under the noble teaching of the Buddhas of what is impermanent and what the cause of conditions and suffering.
To be continued in part 2

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.


Monday, September 29, 2014

8 Auspicious Offerings - Music for offerings { Final part}

Today is the final part of the eight auspicious offerings, and we make these offerings to the Buddhas, enlightened beings in many practices, such as the Vajrasattva Practice, Guru Yoga and other profound Vajrayana practices.

It’s important that we must know the purpose and symbolism of offerings one realizes that the importance lies in the attitude with which one makes the offering to the enlightened objects of the refuge and the sources of all inspiration.

Offering is an occasion for the accumulation of inexhaustible merit. The more sincerely offerings are made; one will find themselves surrounded by an abundance of what has been offered.

8) Music for offerings ( Wisdom )
Last offering will be the musical instruments. The Tibetan’s white conch shell. It's widely known as the sound of the heavenly melodies. In Vajrayana tradition, we offerings religious music to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the enlightened beings during the ritual and other prayer practices.

“Dung-Dkar” literally means “white conch” in Tibetan language, because most of the trumpet made of white conch shell. Most Tibetan Dung-Dkar trumpet was made of conch shell; sometimes you can see some natural inclusions in the conch shell. 
Most of the Dung-Dkar trumpet is heavily decorated with ornate patterns in metals, such as silver, bronze or tin. Some beautiful stones will add on it, such as ruby, sapphire and so on. 

Dung-Dkar trumpet has a bright bead; someone even was inserted with beautiful turquoise and coral. When you blow through the mouthpiece on one end, the sound will be created, and it sounds like a trumpet, companioning music sheds long ago, it seems takes you to somewhere beyond the highest Himalaya peak.
There are different types of instruments, cymbals, bells, guitars, lutes, all are for offerings. Their nature is wisdom, which makes an offering to the ears of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and other enlightened beings. 

Sound represents wisdom because wisdom is a special power of the mind which penetrates phenomena. Compassion is achieved through great wisdom; interdependence of all phenomena is realized through great wisdom.

Throughout recorded history, the Dung-Dkar has been used as a religious musical instrument, Tibetan people believe that it can invoke spirits or banish evil which is said to represent good energy. The Buddhas, enlightened beings they do not requiring these kind of offerings. 
We make these offering is for accumulation of merits and wisdoms, enlightenment, Buddha hood, is achieved through these great qualities - accumulation and purifications. As we knew the Buddhas had limitless of qualities which were attained through these two mentioned qualities

All phenomena have the nature of interdependence, causes and conditions, but sound is rather easy to understand. If you play a guitar, what does the sound depend on? It does not come just from the piece of wood, the string, not from the fingers, so where does it come from? Actually it comes from all these things; none is sufficient to produce the sound. That nature is called illusion.

We can hear the sound, but it has no independent existence. We should see all sound are having the nature, it just comes and goes like an echo. The realization is wisdom, and through that realization we can attain super mundane quality. 
May the wisdom, that quality of the super mundane, arise within the minds of all sentient beings and free them from all confusion and ignorance. May them achieve enlightenment. In one’s future lives one will be born with beautiful voice and always hear pleasant sound, especially the sound of Dharma.
Aspiration For Bodhichitta
May the precious Bodhichitta arise
Where it has not arisen
And where it has arisen may it not decrease
But increase further and further.

Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Thank you for reading and may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world. 

I do not own and infringe any copyright of these pictures.
Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.

8 Auspicious Offerings - Food offerings [Part 8]

The subject continue today is all about what significant for Eight offerings, we make these offerings to the Buddhas, enlightened beings in many practices, such as the Vajrasattva Practice, Guru Yoga and other profound Vajrayana practices.

The Buddhas, enlightened beings they do not requiring these kind of offerings. We make these offerings is for accumulation of merits and wisdoms, enlightenment, Buddha hood, is achieved through these great qualities - accumulation and purifications. As we knew the Buddhas had limitless of qualities which were attained through these two mentioned qualities.
7)Food for offerings ( Samadhi )
The seventh offering is the offering of food. The awakened ones have no need to indulge in material food offerings, but the purpose of such offerings made to the enlightened objects of refuge is to temporarily relieve suffering that beings experience through hunger and starvation, and to bring about an abundance of food. 
Ultimately, the offering is made so that beings may experience the perfect state of meditation, of samadhi, and that all beings may live on the spontaneous food of meditation. Offerings the delicious, excellent quality of food signifies samadhi, which is a nectar of ambrosia to feed the mind. This is an offering to the enlightened beings, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Samadhi is also the source of the Siddhis like clairvoyance. There are two different types of clairvoyance; the ordinary clairvoyance is usually from other lifetimes. The other type is unique and special insight clairvoyance, which we achieve this lifetime through meditation practice.

For example, flying in the sky, different types of miracle power, these can be achieved through samadhi, the virtuous one-pointed mind. The very stable mind, clear , calm, peaceful mind of samadhi becomes a basis to achieve all the enlightenment qualities. Food symbolizes samadhi because food is essential for maintaining our body, and samadhi is a kind of food that maintains the mind as well as the physical body.
When we achieve any kind of samadhi, it is the fruition of the effort you made before, and it can also become a path to get higher fruition. Generally, we eat nutritious healthy food, it contributes a good health, same to speak when we are having a nutritious food for samadhi, and it keeps a healthy mind. By making this offering of delicious food, may all sentient beings have a good health and samadhi nature and quality.

Eighth offerings to be continued in final part 9

Thank you for reading and may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world. 

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
May the precious Bodhichitta arise
Where it has not arisen
And where it has arisen may it not decrease
But increase further and further.

Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of these pictures.
Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.