Saturday, March 28, 2015

Words Of Inspiration

Mandala Offerings
When    you     are financially blessed,

Don't raise your standard of living,

Instead, raise your standard of giving to others who are less fortunate.

Kindly support us to signup a free subscriptionPlease visit, for your booking hotel destinations and shop online with at the advertising sponsor banners to enable us to generate minimum revenue for our blog maintenance. With your support, the administrators hope to serve you better and provide you more informative articles. 

May you find peace and joyfulness within yourself while you are reading my blog. If you are sincerely like my blog and with your appreciation,  please sign up as a follower to support us. 

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.l

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Medicine Buddha, The Tara And The Dragon on March 27, 2015

March 27, 2015 it is the 8th day of every Tibetan  lunar month and is a special prayers day according to the Tibetan calendar, the 8th day is the 3 auspicious prayer day to be practiced on the day as follows:-
  1. Medicine Buddha Prayer Day. 
  2. Tara Prayer Day.
  3. Nagas (Dragons) Puja Day (Usually conducted by the masters / Monastery)
Medicine Buddha 
Medicine Buddha Mantra
Tayata Om
Bekandze Bekandze
Maha Bekandze
Radza Samudgate Soha

The Medicine Buddha practice (or Sangye Menla in Tibetan) the manifestation of the healing energy of all Buddhas. He wears monastic robes and sits on a lion throne. 

The color of his body is dark blue. By reciting his holy mantra It is not only a very powerful method and increasing healing powers for oneself and others, but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, ignorance and the purification of negative physical and mental karma. Thus to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. 

If we can recite Medicine Buddha mantra every day and is good to do at least 5 malas, this will purify negative karma and will help you never to be reborn in the lower realms. According to Medicine Buddha sutra that even if an animal hears the Medicine Buddha mantra it will never be reborn in the lower realms.

If we don’t purify negative karma, when dying because of negative karma that not been purified, so we will be reborn in the lower realms repeatedly without end. We need to purify the negative karma now. If you cannot bear the sickness now, how can we bear the suffering of the lower realms?

Me and Green Tara Statue at The 

Samye Ling, Monastery Kagyu Scotland UK

Green Tara Mantra  
Om Tare Tutare Ture Svaha.
Green Tara is known as the Swift One or other name known as Swift Liberator.

Swift One or Swift Liberator is due to her immediate response to those to request for help. When you look at her Holy statue, Green Tara reaches out her right hand in the gesture of granting protection, freeing one from fear, obstacles, and difficulties. When her right foot stepping forward, she is alert , determined and ready to actively help all who call upon her. 

My Guru once said to me, She is one of the enlightened Buddhas who is constantly reaching out to save sentient beings, whoever calling upon her and reciting her mantra, Ever since, I had dedicated my devotion to her like a child looking for a mother's love to guide me through any circumstances.

We can reciting or perform mother Green Tara mantra or praises of the 21 Taras. Mother Green Tara she is the manifestation of the Avalokitesvara, (Chenrezig in Tibetan) (Kuan Yin Pusa in Chinese) she can be practiced as the Yidam or Dakini.Green Tara is one of my daily practice. Whoever came to know and or have seen her statue or Tangka printing will certainly and simultaneously be connected with her tranquility and her very unique quality of love and compassion.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We Malaysia Are With You-Germanwings A320

Om Mani Padme Hum Hri
Om Mani Padme Hum Hri
Om Mani Padme Hum Hri

To all Germanwings Airbus A320 passengers, crews and victims families.

Please know how very saddened I am for the loss of your beloved ones. I can’t imagine how painful it is for you but don’t forget that our prayers and thoughts will always be with you.
Having lost someone is a difficult moment of life, and we Malaysia had experienced it. May our prayers and thoughts that may provide you the strength you need to cope with this at the soonest time.

Words are not enough to express how sorry we are for your loss. May our prayers to provide you the strength and courage you need in order to handle this difficult moment successfully.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Is Our Culture Important Or Merely A forgotten Past History?

Is our culture important ? 
Is our unique ethnicity and faiths and our endangered culture are merely a forgotten past history? 
Or it is an individual identification that our ancestors left behind after thousands of centuries ago? 
Only you know better and you can answer it but no one! 
Find out more from our new Facebook:-
Tibetan Culture

Notre culture est importante ?
Est notre ethnicité et confessions unique et notre culture en voie de disparition sont simplement une histoire passé oublié ?
Ou ce est une identification individuelle que nos ancêtres ont laissé derrière après des milliers d' il ya des siècles ?
Se il vous plaît en savoir plus à partir de notre nouveau Facebook:-
Tibetan Culture

Ist unsere Kultur so wichtig?
Ist unsere einzigartige ethnische Zugehörigkeit und Glaubensrichtungen und unsere bedrohte Kultur lediglich eine vergessene Vergangenheit ?
Oder ist es eine individuelle Kennzeichnung , dass unsere Vorfahren hinterlassen , nachdem Tausende von vor Jahrhunderten ?
Nur wissen Sie besser , und nur Sie , aber niemand beantworten kann !
Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei unserer neuen Facebook:-
Tibetan Culture

Es importante de nuestra cultura ?
Es nuestro origen étnico y creencias único y nuestra cultura en peligro de extinción son más que una historia pasada olvidado ? 
¿O se trata de una identificación individual que nuestros antepasados ​​dejaron atrás después de que miles de siglos atrás ?
Sólo usted sabe mejor y puede responder a ella pero nadie !
Para saber más de nuestro nuevo Facebook : -
Tibetan Culture
È la nostra cultura è importante?
È la nostra etnia e fede unica e la nostra cultura in via di estinzione sono semplicemente una storia passata dimenticato ?
O si tratta di una identificazione individuale che i nostri antenati hanno lasciato alle spalle dopo migliaia di secoli fa ?
Solo lei sa meglio e solo tu puoi rispondere , ma nessuno ! 
Si prega di saperne di più dal nostro nuovo Facebook:-
Это наша культура важна?
Это наша уникальная этническая принадлежность и религии , и наша находящихся под угрозой исчезновения культура простозабыли прошлое ?
Или этоиндивидуальный идентификационный что наши предки оставили позади после тысячи веков назад?
Только вы знаете лучше , и только вы можете ответить на него , но не один!
Пожалуйста, узнать больше из нашего нового Facebook:-
Tibetan Culture
Tibetan Culture
In the Universe, there are no distinction and boundaries;  people create distinctions out of their own will. 
Please "like" us and accept us as your spiritual friend and be together as one Dharma family.
Blog's Administrator.

Thank you for reading my blog, and it helps to spread the Dharma knowledge and as well, turning the Dharma wheel to the world. Kindly support us to sign up a free subscription.  Please visit for your booking hotel destinations and shop online with at the advertising sponsor banners to enable us to generate minimum revenue for our blog's general maintenance  to serve you better and provide you more informative articles. 

May you find peace and joyfulness within while you are reading my blog. If you sincerely like my blog and with your appreciation,  please sign up as a follower to supports us. 

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Updating-Join Me The 1,000,000 Long Life Prayer For His Holiness The 17th Karmapa.

                   His Holiness at the Monlam Kagyu.

To my dearest readers, 
I am apologizing and wish to inform that I may temporarily and infrequently updating some other Dharma articles here, and to focus on the completion of the long life prayer for His Holiness. But I will be certainly updates the number of completed prayer counts for this 1,000,000 long life prayer program.

As I have to spend  times to complete this seemingly impossible mission within 2 months, which is to be targeted by the end of May 2015.

Due to the fact is, I only received a  handful of responses here who wish to join me to complete the 1 million long life prayer group chanting for His Holiness upcoming June 26 birthday.

                   His Holiness and with His Lamas
                   Lama Tashi of Dilyak Monastery.
The detailed of the participants, who are participating in this project, will be forwarded to my Dharma friend, Lama Tashi of Dilyak Monastery In Nepal for his further arrangement and dedication to His Holiness The 17th Karmapa , Ogyen Trinley Dorje. Lama Tashi he is one of the students of His Holiness.

                With His Holiness the 17th Karmapa  

The purposes of this long life prayer and its main objective is to pray for His Holiness to have  a long and healthy life and with all the  positive chanting energies and well wishes that His Holiness will always remain here to turn the Dharma wheels and teachings, and most importantly, is to benefit all sentient beings from this Samsara world.

Your Full Name
No. of  Prayer Completed
Email Contact
Thubten Choeyang
   * 16,200
  (April 14, 2015)

* Update note:- 16,200 Long Life Prayer completed on April 14, 2015. 23.30 pm.GMT

16,200-1,000,000=983,800 the remaining no of counts to be achieved on May 31, 2015.

May you find peace and joyfulness within yourself while you are reading my blog. If you are sincerely like my blog and with your appreciation,  please sign up as a follower to support us. 

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tibetan Vajrayana Holy Items Not To Be Missed

To all  dear readers,

Good news and hurry up and don't miss the golden opportunity as you may save up to some unbelievable Tibetan holy prayer items when you shop online with is proudly offering some very attractive Buddhist holy items up for grab this coming April 2015. is offering a number of great varieties of special deals for you when you purchase online via our Tibetan Buddhism blog. 

What you have to do is just to spend some of your valuable time to check the following special and amazing holy prayer items. You may find some items which is only can be found exclusively offered 
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So don't miss the offers now. Please note that is one of my blog's advertisement banner, currently is offering a special and dynamic deals for you when you purchase online via our Tibetan Buddhism blog. 

Thank You,

Kind regards
Blog's Administrator

100 Times Of Positive Or Negative Actions On Shakyamuni Buddha Day- March 20, 2015

                 Shakyamuni Buddha Holy Statue.
March 20, 2015 is a new moon and also an auspicious Shakyamuni Buddha day according to the Tibetan lunar Calendar.
The Eight Mahayana Precepts or Sojong Practices
  1. To refrain from killing.
  2. To refrain from  stealing.
  3. To refrain from sexual misconduct.
  4. To refrain from lying and intoxication.
  5. To refrain from taking a high or luxurious seat.
  6. To refrain from singing and dancing.
  7. To refrain from wearing ornaments.
  8. To refrain from eating after midday.
On this day,  the effects of  positive or negative actions are said to be multiplied by 100 times according to the Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. If you have committed a positive good action, and you will be blessed with the positive 100 times of positive Karma actions, but if one has committed the negative actions and it will be multiplied by 100 times of bad and negative action. Reader discretion is advised.

Vernal Equinox Day on March 20, 2015, a total solar eclipse, greatest eclipse at 09.47 G.M.T 
A partial eclipse will be visible from Iceland, Europe, North Afica and part of North Asia.
A total eclipse will be visible from the North Atlantic, Faeroe Is, Svalbard.
Information is based on the Wood Sheep Year 2142 of the Tibetan Calendar.

Update note* 
The upcoming Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015 whether is total or partial Eclipse will not be visible in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The next partial Solar Eclipse will be visible  in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will be on March 09, 2016.

The next coming Lunar Eclipse will be partially visible to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on April 04, 2015 Saturday night local time 20.00pm with the maximum view. 

On this day, is the 15th full moon of the lunar month, it is also come with a special Dharma prayers day  for the Buddha Amithabha and Dragon puja practices. 

** During a lunar Eclipse, the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied by 1,000 times. Therefore practices are emphasized according to the Tibetan lunar  calendar of the Wood Sheep year 2142. 
Reader discretion is advised.

The March 2015 Equinox takes place at 22.45 G.M.T , which mean the day and night are the same length.

Thank you for reading my blog, and it helps to spread the Dharma knowledge and as well, turning the Dharma wheel to the world. Kindly support us to sign up a free subscription.  Please visit for your booking hotel destinations and shop online with at the advertising sponsor banners to enable us to generate minimum revenue for our blog's general maintenance  to serve you better and provide you more informative articles. 

May you find peace and joyfulness within while you are reading my blog. If you sincerely like my blog and with your appreciation,  please sign up as a follower to supports us. 

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.