A journey to a mysterious Himalaya snow land and it's unique Vajrayana Buddhism and the threatening culture.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
The Three Jewels
Sunday, August 29, 2021
蓮花生大師七句祈請文 Seven line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava
有關這蓮花生大師七句祈請文的視頻,這是我們的Youtube 網站: https://youtu.be/eIbqxAWcb6U
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Saturday, August 28, 2021
The King Of Prayers-Seven Line Prayer To Guru Rinpoche
So it's extremely powerful. And you should practice it at all times continually. If you really focus on the Seven-Line Prayer, then it is certain that the blessings will come. The blessings of Guru Rinpoche will spring out and be born in your mind stream.
Friday, August 20, 2021
The Myth of The Tibetan Monks and Yogis Meditation
- Mindfulness meditation.
- Spiritual meditation.
- Focused meditation.
- Movement meditation.
- Mantra meditation.
- Transcendental Meditation.
- Progressive relaxation. •
- Loving-kindness meditation.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Ushnishavijaya Dharani in Sanskrit/梵文佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經
The purpose of this sutra is said to be to help sentient beings in a troubled and tumultuous world. According to this sutra, beings will leave suffering and obtain happiness, increasing in their prosperity and longevity, remove karmic obstacles, eliminate disasters and calamities, remove enmity and hatred, fulfill all wishes, and quickly be led into the Buddha's way.
It is held by some that when the Dharani is heard, it can imbue the Alaya consciousness with pure seeds that will help to lead one to Buddhahood. This mantra is also linked to Green Tara.
According to the text, major applications of this Dharaṇi include:1) Destroy calamities and rescue those in difficulties
2) Eliminate offenses and create good deeds
3) Purify all karmic obstructions
4) Increase blessings and lengthen lifespan
5) Attain anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi
6) Relieve beings in the ghost realm
7) Benefit birds, animals and all crawling creatures
8) Increase wisdom
9) Revert the fixed karma
10) Eliminate various illness
11) Ensure the safety of the households, and having children to inherit the family pride
12) Harmonise husbands and wives
13) Be able to reborn in Sukhavati or other pure lands
14) Heal sickness inflicted by pretas
15) Request for rain
16) Destroy hells
If someone hears this Dharani even just for a moment, he will not undergo karmic retribution from evil karma and severe hindrances accumulated from thousands of kalpas ago, that would otherwise cause him to revolve in the cycles of birth and death - in all kinds of life forms in the evil paths.Hell, hungry ghost, animal, realm of King Yama, Asuras, ferocious animals, crawling creatures and even ants and other life forms...he will be reborn in the Buddhalands, together with all the Buddhas and Ekajati-pratibadda Bodhisattvas, or in a distinguished Brahmin or Ksatriya family, or in some other wealthy and reputable families.
Ushnishavijaya Dharani in Sanskrit:
Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhāya bhagavate.
Tadyathā, om, viśodhaya viśodhaya, samâsama
Samantāvabhāsa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhāva viśuddhe,
Abhiṣiñcatu mām. sugata vara vacana amṛtâbhiṣekai.
Ahara āhara āyuḥ saṃ-dhāraṇi. śodhaya śodhaya gagana viśuddhe.
Uṣṇīṣa vijaya viśuddhe sahasra-raśmi sam-codite.
Sarva tathāgatâdhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhita mahā-mudre.
Vajra kāya sam-hatana viśuddhe.
Sarvāvaraṇâpāyanagati pariviśuddhe, prati-nivartaya āyuḥ śuddhe.
Samayâdhiṣṭhite. maṇi maṇi mahāmaṇi.
Tathatā bhūta-koṭi pariśuddhe. visphuṭa buddhi śuddhe.
Jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. smara smara, sarva buddhâdhiṣṭhita śuddhe,
Vajri vajra garbhe vajram bhavatu mama śarīram.
Sarva sattvānām ca kāya pariviśuddhe. sarva gati pariśuddhe.
Sarva tathāgata samāśvāsâdhiṣṭhite.
Budhya budhya, bodhaya bodhaya, śuddhe.
Friday, August 6, 2021
西藏預防傳染病之藏藥 - 九味黑藥丸
本品是由八蚌寺佛教大學傳統製造工藝處秉承古代傳統藥方,根據西藏古老的 《四部醫典》第四章的內容醫藥實踐方法精心製作而成。 傳染病,即人、畜之間輾轉相傳的流行性瘟毒、疫窩。通常由顯而易 見的感冒症狀開始,迅速發展成為危及生命的惡毒性瘟疫,臨床表現不一。
在西藏的《四部醫典》裏,特別強調預防對於傳染病和邪魔病障造成的病痛 的重要性,更加明確地指出,流行性瘟疫憑藉呼吸、日光、氣味等,由外在 環境入侵體內,因此,提前預防為首要的任务。 預防可透過諸如藥物、咒語、 禪定等外在的方法,相互結合使用,從而起到避免疾病產生的作用。(邪魔病障指由天龍凶曜及妖魔等非人所致病害,如区曜中風和麻瘋病等。) 使用方法: 1、黑藥丸囊為佩戴使用,密封處請勿打開。在傳染病流行期間,或人群聚 集處,可將黑藥丸置入囊中,佩戴於頸項,亦可將藥囊放入貼身衣袋中,隨身攜帶。 2、必要時可打開藥囊,嗅間黑藥丸氣味;或將黑藥丸搗碎用火點燃然,以鼻孔吸取煙味。 特別注意:嚴禁口服。