Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Homage to Goddess of Love Red Tara Kurukulle

Kurukulla is a goddess of enchantment, attraction, and love in Vajrayana Buddhism. She goes by the name Rigjema, or the Mistress of Knowledge, in Tibetan.

As a dakini, Kurukulla embodies the highest wisdom, eradicating ignorance and transforming unpleasant emotions into pure consciousness. 

She is associated with the four enlightened practices described in the Buddhist tantras (Tib. le shi): pacifying, enriching, magnetizing, and subduing. She is especially strongly linked to the attractiveness and magnetism of ideal circumstances. 

She also has the capacity to control and transform sensual desires into a means of accessing Dharma, the greater reality. Her enlightened mind is thought to be full of passion (chag thug) and fervent loving compassion (tse we je chag) in Vajrayana. 

However, in her instance, these deep feelings are thought to be wholly devoted to the well-being of sentient creatures and free of any self-serving intent. Her main goal in offering her sympathy and love without conditions is to end their pain. 

She has one face, four arms, and three eyes. Her exquisite, enlightened body is colored the ruby color of passionate, loving kindness.She carries a bow, a floral-tipped arrow, and an enticing hook with grace.I prostrate and honor the victorious one, Kurukulle. 

Her red color symbolizes her ardor and her bond with love. She is identified with the goddess of love in this capacity. Her most recognizable symbol, the bow and arrow, is reminiscent of the Roman Cupid or the Greek Eros. 

These qualities are present in practically every form of Kurukulla and help with the ritual subjection of a specific object as well as the alteration of awareness. 

The bow and arrow are employed, on the one hand, to draw in the target and, once inside, pierce it to release a wave of love and passion. 

For Goddess of Love Red Tara Kurukulle YouTube video, please visit us : https://youtube.com/shorts/FRcwK4QAJl8?si=A5I_IIeXlX0CYfL5

The practice of Kurukulla helps to achieve numerous secular and spiritual goals. Worldly benefits include attracting love, improving relationships, increasing respect and support from parents and friends, subjugating demonic powers, healing, accumulating wealth, finding work, and gaining approval. 

What is the power of Kurukulla? 

Kurukulla is a powerful, semi-wrathful female deity belonging to the Lotus family. She is a feminine embodiment of enlightened wisdom and is a dakini skilled in magnetizing everything required by the practitioner. Her magnetizing and increasing power attracts wisdom, happiness, health, wealth, and long life. 

What is the mantra of Kurukulla?
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha 
This mantra uses the vocative form (Kurukulle) of her name. 

Is Kurukulle an enlightened dakini?Kurukulla is an enlightened dakini. Who embodies the most incredible wisdom that vanquishes ignorance and converts negative emotions into pure consciousness. 

She is related to the four tantric Buddhist enlightened activities of tranquility, enrichment, attraction, and subjection. She is also the goddess of magic and miracles. She is also the goddess who always surprises the worshiper with her prowess. 

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidies or funding from people in general.

Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta

For those in whom the precious lBodhichitta has not arisenMay it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. 

Dedication of Merit 
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then. 
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoing. May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and/or studios
The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.


Monday, September 30, 2024

The Great Manifestation of Avaloketishvara Bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara is a Buddha who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. He is variably depicted, described, and portrayed in different cultures as either male or female. In Tibet, he is known as Chenrezig. In East Asia, he is commonly known as Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy. 

The meaning of Avalokitesvara means “Lord who looks down with compassion.” Avalokiteshvara is shown here sitting on a lion throne and arrayed in jewels like a prince. Above his head is a parasol, an ancient symbol of royal status.

Beside his head are lotus-borne stupas, topped with sun and crescent moons. Avalokiteshvara’s right hand is in the gesture of gift-granting, and in his left hand he holds a long-stemmed lotus. 

In his elaborate hairdress is an image of the Buddha, Amitabha. Amitabha presides over the western Pure Land, a kind of Buddhist paradise. The worship of Amitabha became very popular in East Asian Buddhism. 

What is the symbolism of Avalokiteshvara? 
One of the most popular Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist pantheon and frequently represented in Buddhist iconography, Avalokiteshvara—also known as Padmapani, meaning “lotus bearer"—is a associated with compassion and the benevolent protection of the world. What is another name for Avalokiteshvara?  
In Buddhism, Avalokitesvara (meaning "the lord who looks down") also known as Lokesvara ("Lord of the World) and Chenrezig (in Tibetan)is a tenth-level Bodhisattva associated with great compassion (mahakaruna).

What are the powers of the Avalokiteshvara?

The tantric power and forthright majesty of Eleven-headed Avalokiteshvara radiate laser-like focused energy. The eyes exhibit the fierce concentration created by advanced tantric practices. This Chenrezig will burn through all obstacles. 

Thousand Arms thousand eyes Avalokiteshvara 

The Buddhist pantheon consists of a vast array of deities, beginning with the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and expanding to include Bodhisattvas, guardian figures, wrathful deities, and more. This painting depicts the Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara surrounded by attendant and guardian deities. 

Avalokiteshvara, one of the most important Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, was popularly known as the “perceiver of the world’s cries.” Bodhisattvas, meaning literally “enlightened beings,” were devoted, out of a deep sense of compassion, to aiding other sentient beings in their quest for enlightenment. 

In this particular form of Avalokiteshvara, the deity is seated facing forward on a lotus pedestal with a resplendent jeweled canopy above him. The “thousand” arms of the deity, each containing a single eye, fan out in a circular fashion so as to completely envelop his body. 

The largest of the arms, located closer to the body, hold implements such as a sutra, mirror, water vessel, alms bowl, and willow spray. Inside the Bodhisattva’s elaborate headdress is a tiny figure of Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Pure Land with whom Avalokiteshvara was associated.

Avalokiteshvara dedicated himself to helping all sentient beings toward enlightenment, but after he learned of the vast amount of suffering in the world, his head split into pieces. Amitabha gathered these 11 pieces, turned each into a full head, and gave these heads back to Avalokiteshvara.

What does Chenrezig mean in Tibetan culture?

One who always looks upon all. In Tibetan, Avalokiteśvara is Chenrezig. The etymology of the Tibetan name Chenrezig is spyan "eye," ras "continuity," and gzig "to look." This gives the meaning of one who always looks upon all beings (with the eye of compassion).

Why is Chenrezig known as the Buddha of compassion?

Chenrezig is a Buddha who symbolizes the compassion of all the Buddhas. He vowed himself that he would not rest until all beings entered Nirvana. 

In that process, he takes a vow: “May I be able to establish in emancipation all the living beings in the cruel Land of Snow, where beings are so hard to discipline and none of the Buddhas of the three times has stepped out. 

I may be able to mature and liberate them, each according to his way. May that gloomy, cruel country become bright, to the island of precious jewels." and takes a form with 1000 arms, 1000 eyes, and 11 heads to see and help everyone who is needed. 

Meaning of Chengrezig

The meaning of the word chengrezig is CHAN means "eye, RE means “idea of continuity, and ZIG means ‘to look." He is one of the celebrated deities, and he was the lord gifted with complete enlightenment who refrains from entering the blissful state of nirvana to remain below and save the living being of the earth. 

He is visualized in many forms, with various numbers of faces armed and with various colors and ornaments. He is four-armed Chenrezig; his two arms are joined in the prayer position, and his left arm is holding a lotus flower, and his right hand is holding a crystal mala (rosary). 

He used to count that rosary and repeat his mantra, “Om Mani Padme Hum." He is the Boddhisattva of boundless compassion, which is the very embodiment and realization of the four immeasurable hands and arms signed of his.

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

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Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisenMay it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. 
Dedication of Merit 

By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then. 
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoing. May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Three Essential Ways For Developing Wisdoms

The three disciplines of meditation, contemplation, and careful listening. 

Have you ever read or heard something that, the next day, you forgot about despite finding it intriguing, eye-opening, and possibly life-changing? 

Despite your best efforts, you forgot about that information as you went about your regular routines, falling back into old habits. The three wisdom skills of listening, contemplation, and meditation are Buddhism's answer. 

Among all the lessons we could acquire in this life, the most crucial one is the ability to free ourselves from misery. But if not digested thoughtfully, even Buddhist insight can be swallowed whole. 

To make the most of the teachings, we might employ the three wisdoms of mindful listening, contemplation, and meditation.

We can reduce distractions and maintain our attention on the material at hand by practicing mindful listening. We then thoughtfully consider and internalize what we have just heard. 

One way to think of meditation is as a way to process what we have learned. Information leaves the cognitive mind and enters the heart through this three-step process, where it becomes an embodied experience that we will never forget. 

We are surrounded by an endless amount of information, most of which is vying for our attention. Even when we are able to identify what needs our attention, maintaining focus is not always simple. 

The first step in listening with meditation, mindfulness, attention, and intention is realizing that what we are hearing is important. 

This infuses our listening with feelings of delight, desire, and urgency, which keeps us interested in what we're hearing, reading, or learning. Even while contemplative listening is somewhat directed outward, our participation starts the process of internalizing the lessons. 

Contemplation and attentive listening are related. After listening intently and with great interest, we inevitably move on to reflection.

The Buddha famously advised us to experience the teachings for ourselves to see whether they really lead to happiness, rather than accepting them just because he taught them or because they make sense. Between conceptual and inexpressible cognition, contemplation acts as a link. 

We start to absorb the lessons by thinking about or reflecting on them. We probe, doubt, try things on, and sample. I was not in complete sync with what I was hearing during the listening phase. We start to bridge this gap during the pondering phase. 

By utilizing analytical or awareness meditation to go further into a contemplative practice, we are able to transcend the conceptual, thinking mind and directly experience the teachings. Meditation enables us to settle into that experience and get even closer to it once awareness arrives.

Meditation goes hand in hand with Buddhist contemplation. We're encouraged to let go of our thoughts and simply relax into the spaciousness of an Ah-ha moment when it occurs. 

In meditation, we simply allow ourselves to be enveloped in the embodied experience of truth, transcending the cognitive and logical realm. 

My perception of what I heard and my thoughts are now inseparable from one another. There is mere awareness. The highest form of wisdom, called prana, is this non-dualistic experience of knowing. 

It's possible that we briefly experienced this wise experience while practicing mindfulness meditation. The experience of this kind of insight, however, is transient; it ends when the meditation ceases. Here, the goal of meditation is realization rather than experiencing. Realization confers everlasting wisdom. 

Methods for Developing Wisdom Participating in mindfulness meditation is a prerequisite for practicing any of the three wisdoms: listening, contemplating, and meditating. 

It will be challenging for us to listen without being sidetracked if we don't first achieve a degree of mental stability and tranquility. Moreover, it will be nearly impossible for us to think or practice awareness meditation without the foundation of mindfulness meditation. 

How to Gain Knowledge The practice of mindfulness meditation is a prerequisite for all three of the wisdoms: listening, contemplating, and meditating. It will be difficult for us to listen without being sidetracked if we don't initially achieve a somewhat stable and tranquil state of mind.

It will also be very impossible for us to think or perform awareness meditation without the foundation of mindfulness meditation.

While cultivating wisdom may appear like a sophisticated skill, it all starts with awareness and relaxation. By promoting non-judgmental awareness of the current moment, we can develop a steady, roomy, and calm mind. 

By doing this, you'll improve your listening skills and acquire the capacity to integrate information that is important to remember. The knowledge that results from practicing mindfulness brings us to the concept of self-compassion, which is the ease and satisfaction that is always present within.

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidies or funding from people in general.

Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisenMay it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. 

Dedication of Merit 

By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then. 
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoing. May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Three Wisdoms in Buddhism

The Buddhist tradition recognizes three different levels of wisdom: 

1) Listening
2) Contemplating. 
3) Meditating. 

What are the three wisdoms of Buddhism?
Listening, contemplating, and meditating are known as the “three wisdoms.” Each of these practices is vital to actualizing our Buddha-nature and our abilities to benefit others. First, listen carefully and closely to the teachings you receive. 

This should encourage and inspire you to make a joyful effort. Do not simply collect teachings—look into the implications and contemplate their meaning. 

Then, apply them to yourself so that what you’ve received does not merely penetrate your ear and brain. 

Really connect with the meaning behind the instruction, take it into your heart, and reaffirm the truth of each word with your own understanding. That is known as contemplation. 

What is the Buddhist concept of wisdom?Most broadly, wisdom in the Buddhist sense is a realization or awareness of the true nature of reality that transcends ordinary comprehension

Wisdom, in the Buddhist sense, is separate from knowledge. Knowledge, particularly of the Buddha's teachings, can support wisdom, but wisdom itself transcends knowledge.

Received wisdom is acquired through reading texts or listening to a teacher and understanding the knowledge that you've received well enough to remember it

By deeply contemplating the teaching, you will naturally actualize the result known as meditation. Meditation will help mature what you’ve learned so that your knowledge is not simply intellectual or conceptual. Results will ripen as you grow. Although all three are indispensable, meditation is the most important.

To apply these three practices, we must learn to recognize and release the tendency to indulge in distractions. This is especially true when we are just beginning, but distractions can be a serious hindrance at every stage of practice, especially during meditation. 

The Dzogchen teachings say, “There is no meditation. Non-distraction is the meditation.” 

In the Prajnaparamita teachings, Buddha Shakyamuni listed ten types of distractions that can occur during practice and prevent our progress, including conceptions of: 

(1) nonexistent nature, 
(2) existent nature, 
(3) exaggeration, 
(4) deprecation, 
(5) the conception of one, 
(6) the conception of many, 
(7) identity, 
(8) discrimination, 
(9) holding titles and names, 
(10) conceptions of meaning. 
Distractions come uninvited, so we need a clear, vivid mindfulness to undermine their influence and to practice effectively. This doesn’t always come easily, even if we have the right motivation and can sustain a joyful effort. 

Learn to listen undistractedly. Do not let attention wander during contemplation practice. Avoid clinging to ideas and images while in meditation. To avoid following thoughts, be mindful and observe with relaxed alertness.” 

What are the three core beliefs in Buddhism?

Three Universal Truths
1) Everything in life is impermanent and always changing.
2) Because nothing is permanent, a life based on possessing things or persons doesn't make you happy.
3) There is no eternal, unchanging soul, and "self" is just a collection of changing characteristics or attributes.

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidies or funding from people in general.

Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen

May it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. Dedication of Merit 

By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.

With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

What is Prajna? 

Prajna is the mother of all the Buddhas of the past, present, and future. It points directly to the original mind by piercing through all the various worldly afflictions and suffering, such as the obstacles of language, knowledge, and ignorance. 

Prajna directly grasps the great wisdom of all the Buddhas and has practical application in the present world. Prajna is truly life’s secret ingredient for success. 

Prajna or Pragya is used to refer to the highest and purest form of wisdom, intelligence, and understanding. Pragya is the state of wisdom, which is higher than the knowledge obtained by reasoning and inference.  

Prajna is often translated as "wisdom,"  but according to Buddhism, it is closer in meaning to "insight,"  "non-discriminating knowledge,"  or "intuitive apprehension.".
Why is prajna the real heart of Buddhism? Introduction to the Heart Sutra 

Prajna means wisdom, paramita means perfection; accordingly, Prajna-paramita means "the perfection of wisdom." This sutra is more briefly named the Heart Sutra. It is called the "heart" in as much as it subsumes the essence of the Perfection of Wisdom of the Buddha. 

What are the three types of prajna? 

The process of deepening our understanding is referred to as the three levels of prajna, or the three prajnas. These are called:
1) Hearing. 
2) Contemplating. 
3) Meditating. 

1) The first stage of knowledge is  'goodwill.'
2) The second is termed 'discrimination.' 
3) The third 'attenuated mind'.
4) The fourth stage is'self realization',
5) The fifth is named 'detachment',
6) The sixth is the 'objectless.' 
7) The seventh is 'transcendent'. 

Prajna is a Buddhist term often translated as "wisdom,"  "insight,"  "intelligence,"  or "understanding." It is described in Buddhist texts as the understanding of the true nature of phenomena. 

There are three levels of wisdom in Buddhism:

1) Received wisdom is acquired through reading texts or listening to a teacher and understanding the knowledge that you've received well enough to remember it.
2) Intellectual wisdom. <
3) Experiential wisdom.

The three levels of understanding are, in Buddhism, three sequential points in which an understanding is gained on reality.

These levels of understanding are ways to gain an understanding of the three marks of existence, which in turn assist in understanding emptiness.

Buddhist training is threefold and split into the first training, Sila, which is about moral conduct; the second training, Samadhi, which is about meditation; and the third training, Panna or Prajna, which is about wisdom.

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidies or funding from people in general.

Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. 

Dedication of Merit 
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and/or studios
The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The essence of Buddhist meditation - Dhyana of the Ten Perfections (3/3)

Dhyana in Vajrayana Buddhism 
Dhyana (in Tibetan: bsam gtan) (lit. “mental absorption”) One of a series of increasingly concentrated states attained in placement meditation. 

On the basis of the attainment of tranquil abiding, one may pass through four form-world absorptions and four formless absorptions, with the meditative equipoise of cessation sometimes added as a ninth. 

Mental absorptions may result in various yogic achievements, but they do not assure liberation unless combined with superior insight into the nature of reality.

Dhyana (meditation) refers to one of the six limbs of yoga to be employed in Uttamasev (excellent worship), according to the Guhyasamaja chapter 18. 

The Guhyasamaja chapter 18. Dhyana (meditation) is explained as the conception of the five desired objects through the five Dhyāni Buddhas, namely, Vairocana, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, and Akṣobhya.

This Dhyana is again subdivided into five kinds:
1) Vitarka (cogitation)
2) Vicara (thinking)
3) Priti (pleasure)
4) Sukha (happiness)
5) Ekagrata (concentration) 
Dhyana in Buddhism glossary 
1) Dhyana (meditation) or dhyanaparamita represents the fifth of the “six perferctions” (satparamita) as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 17).

The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit. The work is attributed to Nagarjuna, who lived around the 2nd century A.D.

Dhyana forms, besides being a part of the “six perfections” (satparamita), also a part of the “ten perfections” (dasa-paramita).

What are the 10 perfections of the Buddha?
The ten perfections in the Mahayana tradition are: 
1) Generosity (dana)
2) Ethical self-discipline (Shila) 
3) Patience (kshanti) 
4) Perseverance (virya) 
5) Concentration (dhyana)
6) Wisdom (prajna) 
7) Skilfulness (upaya) 
8) Aspirational prayer (pranidhana) 
9) Strengthening (bala) 
10) Deep awareness (jnana) 

2) Dhyana (absorption) or Caturdhyana refers to the “four absorptions” as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 72):

The first absorption has thinking, reflection, and the happiness and joy born of seclusion.

The second has internal clarity and happiness and joy. The third is equanimous, mindful, and has full knowledge. 

The fourth absorption has complete purity of mindfulness and equanimity, with a feeling that is neither unpleasant nor pleasant.

3) Dhyana (meditation) or Tridhyana also refers to the “three kinds of meditation” as defined in the Dharma-samgraha (section 109

A) sadoṣosao pakarsa-dhyana (editation with fault that leads to decay)
B) sukhavaiharika-dhyana (meditation that is a happy abiding),
C) Asesasaibhusita-dhyana (meditation that is entirely magnificent).

Donations for our Buddhist research and development. 

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development? 

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 16 years. 

We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidies or funding from people in general.

Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.

Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.But increase further and further. 

Dedication of Merit 
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and/or studios
The picture(s) are intended for editorial use only.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The essence of Buddhist meditation - Dhyana (2/3)

Dhyana, in Indian philosophy, is a stage in the process of meditation leading to Nirvana.

In the oldest texts of Buddhism, Dhyana (Sanskrit) or jhana (Pali) is a component of the training of the mind (bhavana), commonly translated as meditation, to withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions, "burn up" the defilements, and lead to a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkha-sati-parisuddhi). 

Dhyana may have been the core practice of pre-sectarian Buddhism, in combination with several related practices that together led to perfected mindfulness and detachment. 

Dhyana in Vajrayana Buddhism 

Dhyana (in Tibetan: bsam gtan) (lit. “mental absorption”) One of a series of increasingly concentrated states attained in placement meditation. 

On the basis of the attainment of tranquil abiding, one may pass through four form-world absorptions and four formless absorptions, with the meditative equipoise of cessation sometimes added as a ninth. 

Mental absorptions may result in various yogic achievements, but they do not assure liberation unless combined with superior insight into the nature of reality.

Dhyana (meditation) refers to one of the six limbs of yoga to be employed in Uttamasev (excellent worship), according to the Guhyasamaja chapter 18. 

The Guhyasamaja chapter 18. Dhyana (meditation) is explained as the conception of the five desired objects through the five Dhyāni Buddhas, namely, Vairocana, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, and Akṣobhya. 

This Dhyana is again subdivided into five kinds:

1) Vitarka (cogitation)
2) Vicara (thinking)
3) Priti (pleasure)
4) Sukha (happiness)
5) Ekagrata (concentration)

Dhyana is the name of a Dakini who, together with the Vira (hero) named Dhyanacinta forms one of the 36 pairs situated in the Vakcakra, according to the 10th century Dakarnava chapter 15.

Accordingly, the vakcakra refers to one of the three divisions of the nirmaṇa-puṭa (emanation layer), situated in the Herukamandala. 

The 36 pairs of Dakinis [Dhyana] and Viras are reddish madder in color; they each have one face and four arms; they hold a skull bowl, a skull staff, a small drum, and a knife. 

Dhyana refers to one of the “four mountains” (Parvata), according to the Guru Mandala Worship. The ritual is often performed in combination with the Cakrasamvara Samadhi, which refers to the primary puja and sadhana practice of Newah Mahayana-Vajrayana Buddhists in Nepal. 

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Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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