Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Amitayus Buddha -無量壽佛

Amitayus Buddha
Amithabha Buddha
Mantra of Amitayus Buddha
Om A Ma Ra Ni Dzi Wan Ti Ye Svaha

Amitayus Buddha is the Buddha of boundless life. He is a Sambhogakaya aspect of Amithabha Buddha and a centre figure in longevity practices. He holds a vase containing the nectar of immortality in his hands.

At the bottom of the Amitayus Buddha is called the Ushnishavijaya, known as the goddess of longevity, another deities is well known by the Vajrayana practioner,  is called the White Tara, the goddess of long life.

Amitayus, manifestation of the Amithabha Buddha for longevity. Amitayus Buddha is being compound of infinite life. Amitayus Buddha is one of the well known Long Life Buddha. Amitayus is depicted red in color , sitting in meditation posture, on above his palms is a long life vase, which containing the long life nectar of immortality.

By reciting his powerful mantra an practices, can save us from untimely death. We can recite the mantra for our spiritual gurus or teachers, so that our precious gurus or teachers thy will remain long life and healthy and able to turn the dharma wheels as long as possible.
Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings.

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