Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva - 龍樹菩薩

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva - 龍樹菩薩
As one of the six great commentators on the Buddha's teaching. He born in South India from 150 CE to 250 CE and is revered by all Buddhist schools. His teachings are the basis of the "Madhyamaka school" of Mahayana Buddhism. 
Madhyamaka school in Chinese is known as the (中觀派the middle way philosophy of emptiness. Nagarjuna he is also credited with developing the philosophy of the Prajnaparamita sutra(般若波羅蜜多to the human realm from the Naga world.  

Madhyamaka - In explaining the philosophy of Madhyamika, Nagarjuna presented four positions he would not take:-
All things (dharmas) exist; affirmation of being, negation of nonbeing.All things do not exst; affirmation of nonbeing, negation of being.All things both exist and do not exist; both affirmation and negation.All things neither exist or do not exist; neither affirmation nor negation.

The Nagarjuna holy statue photos were taken by me when I was in the Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland UK in December 2012.

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva he is counted among the 84 great mahasiddhas of India. His famous writings include the "Precious Garden" , "Letter to a friend" and "Commentary on Bodhichitta"

His commentaries were renowned for their ability to convey outer, inner and secret levels of meaning, corresponding to the three turnings of the Wheel of Dharma and his main disciple was Aryadeva.

According to a 4th or 5th-century biography translated by Kumarajiva that Nagarjuna was born in a Brahmin family and later became a Buddhist.

Some sources claim that Nagarjuna lived on the mountain of Sriparvata in his later years, near the city that would later be called  Hill of Nagarjuna.Nagarjunako was located in Guntar district of Andhra Pradesh.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Glasgow and have not been there before and certainly will travel there with my hubby and kids before X'mas! Thank for the beautiful photos.

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