Sunday, February 14, 2016

Parnasavari- The Supreme Healing of Contagious and Incurable Diseases

The Living Journal – The Goddess of Supreme Healing Power.
[For general introductions only]

In Tibetan Buddhism, female deities play a significant role and female deities are of many types and, and the best known of the female Tibetan Buddhist deities are Arya Green Tara and White Tara.

There are Buddhas in female form and goddesses who are Bodhisattvas.  There are also historical figures such as lineage founders, and they all can function as deities. There are also yidams and dharma protectors in peaceful, semi-wrathful or wrathful form of the dakini, a special type of deity.

The Goddess of Parnasavarī, in Vajrayana Buddhism, a goddess distinguished by the strap of leaves she wears. She is known as Lo-ma-gyon-ma in Tibetan and as Hiyoi in Japan.

Parnashavari is originated from an aboriginal deity, and one of her titles is Sarvashavaranam Bhagavati, or “goddess of all the Shavaras” which is associated with the mysterious Shavari tribe in ancient eastern India

This goddess has adsorbed into Vajrayana Buddhism and the development and success of the late esoteric schools of India and the whose doctrines were taught in Tibet both by Tibetan teachers who had studied them in India and by Indian masters that were invited to the mysterious snows land of Tibet.

The goddess Parnashavari is the manifestation of the compassion-embodiment of all the buddhas; with golden colored body, three headed and six armed with three eyes on each face and three topknots of hair, wearing crown of five Buddhas and ornaments of various jewels. 

Parnashavari is an enlightened being that in the Tantric practice together with four other great goddesses, with whom she forms a pentad of deities called ‘Wisdoms’ is reflected in the growing importance that female deities acquired within the Buddhist structure.

The healing Goddess Parnashavari, with three faces and six hands, wears a skirt and a garland of thatched green leaves. She is particularly curing contagious diseases and fight disease and epidemics; she is represented with a smiling but irritated expression, stamping on personified figures of fever and smallpox. 

Parnashavari the goddess with her supreme healing power mainly in treating all diseases: contagious, poisonous,cancerous and other incurable ones.In the Himalayas and Tibet when a large group of people gather together to receive extended religious teachings, it is common to first receive the teaching and guidance and initiations or empowerments and blessing by the lineage Guru or qualified Lama                                                                    

In Vajrayana that enlightened activity is spoken of in terms of four modes of activity:- 

  • · Pacifying.
  • · Enriching.
  • · Magnetizing. 
  • · Destroying. 
Parnashavari she is represents the Pacifying, that is her special field, and it is to deploy that particular quality of enlightenment that a practitioner would undertake her practice. Her appearance is in a naked form, is to show that she is unconditioned by discursive thoughts.

During the degenerate age, due to ignorance sentient beings will commit great negative karmas causing endless strange diseases. many diseases are caused by 5 poisons of our minds.

Therefore, with the blessings of the Buddha dharma, if we are able to remove the 5 poisons out of our minds, clean our minds, the physical diseases will be naturally decreased and can even be eliminated.

My personal encounter
I have an unexplained experienced when I was traveled to Germany in December 2013. I checked in and settled down in the Hotel late night and later I had a cold and chilly sensation and I felt my body temperature rise up and with a sudden high fever. I always have my medicine ready in case of an emergency and while traveling aboard alone, but the medicine does not work effectively well and I began to start sweating profusely and intense heat in my body.

I automatically recite the Parnashavari mantra that my Guru had taught me before and to invoke the goddess blessing to pucify this strange encountered. After I have chanted with 2 rounds of mala bread of this mantra, strangely, my sudden fever and intense body fever or heat have vanished and I felt it was nothing had happened before.

Well, believe it or not?  You decide.
[I am unable to unveil of the sacred healing mantra due to * Tantric teaching. Should you ever have an opportunity to receive this healing mantra from the Lama, please don't ever miss it and you should treat this as you are receiving one of the most precious Vajrayana teaching and blessing from a Guru].

* Footnote *
Please consult your Guru or a qualified lineage master for Vajrayana practice! Should a devotee even want to start studying and contemplating the Vajrayana practice, then it is truly necessary to first have completed the preliminaries and to be certain and sure that bodhicitta has arisen and developed in one’s mind.

Vajrayana features countless skillful and powerful methods which, if they are practiced in the proper way, can make the process of accumulation and purification incredibly swift and direct. It is absolutely necessary to have the pure motivation and to know that Vajrayana practice is not carried out to increase one’s own power, ego and benefit.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of these pictures.
Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.

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