Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The best ways to predict your life is to create it.

The best ways to predict your life is to create it.

Kindness is the language
The blind can see it 
The deaf can hear it
Your little kindness goes a long way
Leave footprints of your love and kindness wherever you go

It's not always as easy to be kind to people and very often we think we are correct and another is wrong. When our thinking and emotion are wounded or our needs are not met in exclusively, people tend to express more impetuously, without considering what they say. Occasionally, we fail to remember about how the other one feels when we think what we have to say is more important. 

From time to time, in the middle of the conflict, we should be observing from the sidelines. What are they doing? Why are they talking to each other this way? Why are they both engaging in this manner?  
Problem solving is a process that is best achieved by the acceptance of a common goal and a kind heart. That does not exclude the expression of painful emotions. You can love someone and be angry. Again, it’s the way you express it. It’s how you express it that matters. The triumph of your interactions is directly related to your awareness and kindness.

Every new day we should come with a thankful thought!  For as long as you live, you have the chance to grow and be happy and for every new day must be considered a blessing, even if you are a non-believer. Try to fill the hours with optimism and contentment.
Remember these notes:- The best way to predict life, is to create it.

Do your best to have a little kindness towards others, including all beings as often as possible and let contemplate, let our love and compassion unfetter you from ignorance and sharpens your ability to appraise. Compassion and kindness are like the sanctuary that provides us a safe haven, when the storm is raging around us and naturally our reaction is to seek and find a shelter for safety. So compassion and wisdom are the wings that lighten all human’ development in many aspects of our life, whether it’s a spiritual journey or a self achievement.

Loving kindness and Bodhichitta are the messages of life, you don't learn only in institutions. Life itself is a living Journal that teaches something to those who wish to learn. This is the reason why I am always beginning my writing post of a title of THE LIVING JOURNAL. The Living Journal is related to Dharma and Dharma is a living philosophy and teaches us how significant to learn the Dharma and to apply it in our daily life.
To practice the Dharma and to apply it in our daily life, we need to study and attend the teachings and perceiving and viewing the Dharma as medicine to heal our life. When we attend teachings, we should think that “I am doing this to benefit myself and others” This is what we should do so with a Bodhichitta motivation. Besides having a positive motivation, we should try to avoid the six impediments of the path (please refer my post dated March 02, 2016)

When we attend teachings, keep a pure view; view the opportunity to attend the Dharma teaching as a perfect place, a perfect speech, a perfect assembly of gathering together to listen the precious teachings from the teacher.

In the Vajrayana tradition, you can see the bell and a dorje are frequently used during the prayer and ritual ceremonies. The bell and dorje which symbolize wisdom and skillful method. Using these hand implements in your practice symbolizes the union of skillful means and wisdom. Like using the two hands to produce a sound. Skillful means encompass rightful methods, compassion and Bodhichitta. If we do not have the implements of skillful ways of compassion and Bodhichitta, it is like a house without a kitchen.
Three common defeats of listening to Dharma
1] Listen to Dharma with full concentration, listen well and understand what is being taught. Likewise, you are like pouring water into an overturned or upside down of a pot and water will never fill or what the saying goes; “what go in one ear and out the other” we will never learn.

2] What we listen, we should revise, analyzed memorized and practiced. If we set it aside, we will not remember what was taught. Like a pot with a hole whose contents will leak and the pot will become empty.

3] Attending Dharma with the right motivation is extremely critical. However, diligent or devoted we may be, if it is only attend the Dharma for fame, fortune that motivates us, it is like a pot is contaminated and when we drink, we all will get sick. This is the poison in our mind, and then the Dharma teaching can’t really help us
When we practice diligently and followed every instruction that our Guru, the teacher has taught us, our practice should be like the sun coming out from the clouds brings brightness and charity.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the precious Buddha’s precious Dharma and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of these pictures.
Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.

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