Friday, June 7, 2024

A Practitioner's Guide to Mantra (3/3)

A Complete Guide to Buddhist Mantra Yana Practice. 

Precious guru, embodiment of all buddhas of the three times; Great bliss, the lord of all accomplishments; wrathful power, who dispels all hindrances and subdues demons; Pray and bestow your blessings. 

Please remove the outer, inner, and secret obstacles and grant your blessings to accomplish your wishes spontaneously.
A devoted Buddhist of faith chants mantras. The important points of practice are the foundations of faith and compassion.

How do we correctly chant mantras for maximum benefit? What are the rules for guiding the mantrayana practice? What are the prerequisites for mantra practice? 

Guru Rinpoche, the great Lotus-born Padmasambhava, advised his great disciple, Lady Yeshe Tsogyal, on how to practice the mantrayana:

“You must possess the key point of faith free from fluctuation, like a river. 
You must possess the key point of compassion, free from enmity, like the sun.
You must possess the key point of generosity, free from prejudice, like a spring of drinking water.

You must possess the key point of samaya free from flaws, like a crystal ball.” This is the foundation for practicing the mantra yana. All four of these are far more important than mechanics like “proper pronunciation.” 
Faith and compassion are indispensible. What did Guru Rinpoche mean when he talked about the key points of faith and compassion? 

For a mantra, or any other Buddhist practice, to have a profound impact on our lives, we have to start from the right place—before we even worry about how to pronounce the mantra.
For example, every location on a map needs two coordinates. For the mantra, the two coordinates are faith and compassion. In Buddhism, faith arises from wisdom, not blind adherence to doctrine. 

For this reason, in the Mantrayana, the two wings of the bird of enlightenment are wisdom and compassion.

Put another way, to practice Mantrayana in a worthwhile way, we have to be motivated by Bodhichitta, the intention to benefit all sentient beings. 
Without that motivation, it is not a Mahayana Buddhist practice. Once we have the motivation, we have to have the wisdom of faith.

We have faith in the correctness of the teachings, the Dharma, the Budhda, and our lineages of teachers. With that faith, motivated by our compassion and Bodhichitta, we have all the qualifications we need to practice the mantrayana.

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche, in Guidelines for Mantra Practice, wrote, "The main requirement for mantra chanting of any Enlightened Deity according to the teachings, is Bodhichitta intention.
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Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.

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