Showing posts with label Community Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community Projects. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Essence of Life - Love and aging gracefully

When was the last time you have meal with your parents ?

My dear children, the day you see I'm getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I'm going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don't interrupt to say: "You said the same thing a minute ago"... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep.
Aging is not a pretty process. Yes, there is something to be said about being able to grow old with grace and dignity and about doing things to stay active and alert in our golden years, but there are certain battles with father time that we just cannot win. 

As more and more of our cells die and are not replaced, we suffer both a physical and mental toll. We know plenty about the wrinkles, hair loss, the greying hair, thinning skin, liver spots and the effects of age-related changes in our muscles, joints and bones. 

Forgetfulness is one example. We often make light of instances of fading memory, dismissing them as inevitable but harmless symptoms of aging. Each time we have trouble finding our glasses, remembering a person’s name or sticking to our train of thought, we tend to sheepishly chide ourselves for “getting old”. 

After all, we cannot help it if nature dictates that our memory weakens with age. Or can we?It is hard to reverse the ravages of time – at the time of writing, both the elixir of life and the Fountain of Youth remain elusive – but we can certainly do a lot to know more about problems associated with aging and how to deal with them. 
Buddhism is about overcoming suffering in the material world, so that the individual can escape the cycle of rebirth and attain nirvana -- the ultimate state of blessedness. Buddhism teaches that old age is a time of great suffering, and since we all age, the young must treat the elderly, particularly their parents, with suitable respect.

Your time is the greatest gift you can dedicate to your unconditionally supportive parents and love ones. Treasure them with every moment possible while you can. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or violated any infringement copyright of these pictures, Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The living Journal - No One Makes It Alone

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. 
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
By H.H 14th Dalai Lama

Days slip into weeks, weeks turn into months and months transform into years. Calendars are changing and so am I and you too.
In the face of so much suffering, of problems that seem impossible to solve, it is easy to despair.  To consume ourselves with rage and frustration, or to escape into all the distractions and false comforts on offer.  All of these reactions serve only to reinforce our anger, frustration and fear, which in turn creates more reactivity, in ourselves and in the people we interact with. 

Aware of the suffering brought about when we impose our views on others, we are determined not to force others, even our children, by any means whatsoever — such as authority, threat, money, propaganda, or indoctrination — to adopt our views. 
We are committed to respecting the right of others to be different, to choose what to believe and how to decide. We will, however, learn to help others let go on and transform narrowness through loving speech and compassionate dialogue. 

Reaching our goals are not always easy; that is why we need Dharma and others by our side. We are all having so many different explanations and definitions of what happiness is and what it means to all of us. 
It doesn't matter what come to us; the challenges, crossroads, and lifestyle changes you come across in your life, at the end of the day, your happiness is what truly matters most. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, a single parent with children, you are having a busy work life or whatever the circumstances are, it’s important to know how to be happy. 

When you know what makes you truly happy, practice self-love first, take care of yourself and step out of your comfort zone, you will be able to see how powerful being self-happy alone can be. If you don’t know what is going to make you happy, how can you expect someone else to? You need to know and experience what real love and happiness is like by yourself before you commit to loving someone else. 

It might be scary at first, but here are some ideas that can help you to feel more positive about being negative. Get to know yourself by spending some time alone in solitude. Do something that will help you relax and focus on your mind, body and soul. 

Have a reflection of what make you happy and what is not, contemplate it and letting go what holding you so negative, so tightening up yourself, and visualize a smiling face of the Buddha, Arya Taras , your love ones, embrace it and merge with these positive smiling faces and stay with it.  

Try to do the reflections regularly, It helps us all loosening up ourselves and stay positive and transform suffering into compassion and a positive ways of life.

Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?  We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. 
Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to improve our works and to achieve for a better and brighter prospect to come. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migratory from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Great Perfection - Body Of Light ( Chapter 2 )

The way of true happiness is when we can free ourselves from all odds and to be able to liberate ourselves and others from the existence of birth, old age, sickness and death.  

Rainbow Body is a mysterious phenomenon of Tibetan Buddhism. A Lama who has acquired the highest forms of accomplishment can manifest what is called "the rainbow body" or "body of light". It is said that the physical body of those who studied Buddhism very deeply will turn into a rainbow.

The ultimate fruition of the practices is a body of pure light, called a rainbow body.  Rainbow body is a level of realization and a phenomenon that when the person died, his body is transformed partially, or totally into five pure lights.  

This means either the physical body become much smaller than before, and the skin quality become as freshness as a newborn baby, or even left nothing behind. This phenomenon is hard to understand according to modern science, but it has been well documented in the history of Tibet Buddhism. 
Lama Karma Rinpoche  

A Yogi or Lama who has acquired the highest forms of accomplishment can manifest "the rainbow body" or the body of light". It is a body made not of flesh but of pure light. The culmination of one’s life into the rainbow body is widely recognised as a sign of extreme sanctity. The process described in these traditions is generally considered to take approximately seven days, during which time the body progressively shrinks in size. This shrinking is proportional and may stop at approximately small child size.
Lama Karma Rinpoche rainbow body shrink into 20cm in size

The process described in these traditions is generally considered to take approximately seven days, during which time the body progressively shrinks in size. This shrinking is proportional and may stop at approximately small child size. The Body of Light is light without shadow; it is awareness without obscurations; it is omniscience; it is pure space. It is the ultimate fruit of spiritual cultivation. 

The Body of Light represents a complete, total, and radical transformation of one’s status of being, a rediscovery of what was primordially present, and this condition is permanent. It is Awareness itself and is dependent on nothing else.
A fully enlightened person who has the ability to liberate their body into light. There are 3 different levels or stages of transforming into the Rainbow body:
A brief introduction only
1) The normal rainbow body [Trekcho practise]
2) Rainbow body of light [Togal practise]
3) A rainbow body of great transference [Ja Lu Phowa Chenpo practise]
1: The normal Rainbow body that occurs only after body death There are no physical signs indicating the start of the process before death, and once physical death occurs, it takes on average 7 days for the body to shrink and dissolve into light. Most of the time, a small child-size body remains behind, and in more advanced yogis, only hair and nails remain. 

The process described in these traditions is generally considered to take approximately seven days, during which time the body progressively shrinks in size. This shrinking is proportional and may stop at approximately small child size. The Body of Light is light without shadow; it is awareness without obscurations; it is omniscience; it is pure space. It is the ultimate fruit of spiritual cultivation. 

The Body of Light represents a complete, total, and radical transformation of one’s status of being, a rediscovery of what was primordially present, and this condition is permanent. It is Awareness itself and is dependent on nothing else.

 Tasha Lhamo, the mother of Lokgar Rinpoche
Tasha Lhamo, rainbow body shrink into 40cm in size.

2 - The advanced level is known as the Rainbow body, in this level all the signs are showing up while the yogi or Lama is still alive. To dissolving into light might go really fast ,but in most cases it takes month to years to complete, all while remaining fully functional. It is also possible that the yogi or Lama who is in the middle of this process slows it down or is unable to continue the process and dies before the completion of the Rainbow body.  If the process is continued the body will start to shrink and shine real light over time until it reaches the size of a baby and then as a flash of bright rainbow light will disappear into emptiness forever. 

3 -The most advanced and extremely rare level is the attainment of the Rainbow body of great transference. In this level the yogi or Lama not only dissolves the body completely into light but remains functional and visible as light.

In Tibetan Buddhism it can be realized in three ways; through the practices of Anuttara tantra, the special practices of the Kalachakra Tantra , or through Dzogchen. When Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava left at the end of his time in physical form he dissolved his body completely back to their natural elements leaving nothing behind. This was the start of what has become the Nyingma tradition and is the foundation of Tibetan Buddhism as we have come to know it. At the heart of the Nyingma tradition is the practice of Dzogchen otherwise called Ati Yoga or the Great Perfection. 
The great Yogi Milarepa (1050–1123) dissolved entirely into light, leaving no relics behind at all. The culmination of one’s life into the rainbow body is widely recognised as a sign of extreme sanctity. The practise found In the Kagyu tradition, this is known as the Mahamudra. The Dzogchen from the Nyingma tradition and the Mahamudra from the Kagyu tradition are both identical in essence. You may follow one or the other; however, each has its own unique instructions. In each system, Mahamudra and Dzogchen, various methods are used to reveal the nature of bare awareness itself.
 Mahamudra in Sanskrit literally means "The Great Seal." The Tibetan word for mahamudra is "Chakgya Chenpo," which is often looked upon as the highest practise of meditation and most definitive path to enlightenment. This is a unique feature of the Tibetan Kagyu lineage. According to the Dzogchen of the Nyinma tradition, it is the natural, primordial state or natural condition of a human being, and the practise of Dzogchen is a body of teachings and meditations aimed at realising that condition. According to Dzogchen literature, Dzogchen is the highest and most definitive path to enlightenment. 

* Footnote 
For those who have received the empowerment of this Tantric practise, you are reminded not to intentionally or unintentionally disclose the mantra to the public or anyone who may not have the empowerment or permission to practise, and disclosing the mantra intentionally or unintentionally is a form of breaking your Tantric Samaya vows to the lineage masters and Dharma protectors.
Please consult your Guru or a qualified lineage master for Vajrayana practise! Should a devotee even want to start studying and contemplating the Vajrayana practise, then it is truly necessary to first have completed the preliminaries and to be certain that Bodhicitta has arisen and developed in one’s mind.
Vajrayana features countless skillful and powerful methods that, if practised in the proper way, can make the process of accumulation and purification incredibly swift and direct. It is absolutely necessary to have pure motivation and to know that Vajrayana practise is not carried out to increase one’s own ego, power, or self-interest.
Donations for our Buddhist research and development
Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in 2008, we have been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 14 years. We have exceptionally constrained support and do not receive subsidised or funded support from people in general.
Please help us develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you but all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us enhance our work and accomplish more for a better and brighter future.
Thank you for reading. May you find peace and great bliss. With your support, it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turn the Dharma wheels in the world.
Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease.
But increase further and further.
Dedication of Merit
By this merit, may we then obtain omniscience?
Having defeated the enemies wrongdoings
May we liberate migrants from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death.
I do not own or infringe any copyright on the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and/or studios
The picture(s) is or are intended for editorial use only.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The First Buddhist Monastery Built In Tibet - Samye Monastery

Samye Monastery or Samye Gompa 桑耶寺 and another name for Samye Monastery is Samyuan. "Samye" is the Tibetan language which means"unimaginable". The Monastery is located in the quiet piedmont area of the Shanna region and it was the first constructed under
patronage of King Trisong Detsen (reigned 742-798) of Tibet who sought to revitalize Buddhism, which had declined since its introduction by King Songtsan Gampo in the 7th century. 
There were many obscuration and obstacles to construct the Monastery. According to tradition, the Indian monk Shantarakshita made the first attempt to construct the Monastery while promoting his sutra-centric version of Buddhism. Finding the Samye site auspicious, he set about to build a structure there. However, the building would always collapse after reaching certain stage and many attempts to re-construct the Monastery but, eventually the building would collapse repeatedly. Terrified, the construction workers believed that the collapsed was caused by the local malevolent demons in a nearby river.
When Shantarakshita's contemporary Padmasambhava arrived from northern India, he was able to subdue the energetic problems obstructing the building of Samye. According to the 5th Dalai Lama, Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava performed the Vajrakilaya dance and enacted the rite of namkha to assist Trisong Detsen and Santarakshita clear away obscurations and hindrances in the building of Samye. 

The great Indian master Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava performed this dance in order to prepare the ground for the Samye Monastery and to pacify the malice of the lha ,  (local mountain spirits) and srin (malevolent spirits) in order to create the most perfect conditions. The 5th Dalai Lama  went on to say that after Padmasambhava consecrated the ground, he erected a thread-cross — a web colored thread woven around two sticks — to catch evil. Then the purifying energy of his dance forced the malevolent spirits into a skull mounted on top of a pyramid of dough. 
His Tantric dance cleared away all the obstacles, enabling the Monastery to be built in 767. The dance was memorialized by the construction of Vajrakilaya stupas — monuments honoring the ritual kilya (purba) daggers. There are  four colored of Stupas, the white, red, black and green at the cardinal points of the monastery that represent the four Mandalas or the four Heavenly Kings where they would prevent  and suppress devils and demonic forces from entering the sacred grounds. 
Guru Rinpoche and his closest disciple Yeshé Tsogyal travelled all over Tibet and the Himalayas, and blessed and consecrated the entire land, especially: “the twenty snow mountains of Ngari, the twenty-one Sadhana places of U and Tsang, the twenty-five great pilgrimage places of Dokham, the three hidden lands, five ravines, three valleys and one region.”

Guru Padmasambhava made many prophecies about the future, and together with Yeshe Tsogyal concealed countless Terma teachings, in order to: prevent the destruction of the teachings of the secret Vajrayana; avoid corruption of the Vajrayana or its alteration by intellectuals; preserve the blessing; and benefit future followers. For each of these Terma treasures, he predicted the time for its revelation, the identity of the Revealer, and those who would receive and hold the teachings. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or violated any infringement copyright of these pictures, Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Vajrakilaya Introduction Practice To Tibet By Guru Rinpoche

Vajrakilaya is a Sankirt word and in Tibetan is called Dorje Phurba— the wrathful Heruka Vajrakilaya is the Yidam deity who embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas and whose practice is famous for being the most powerful for removing obstacles, destroying the forces hostile to compassion and purifying the spiritual pollution so prevalent in this age.

Vajrakilaya, or Kila, means something sharp, and something that pierces – a dagger. A dagger that is so sharp it can pierce anything, while at the same time nothing can pierce it. That is the quality. This sharp and piercing energy is what is used to practice and out of the many infinites, endless Vajrayana methods this happens to be one of the most important methods.”  
Vajrakilaya has 3 heads, 6 arms, and 4 legs. In his upper right hands he holds 2 Vajras (weapons), and in his middle left hand a trident-tipped khatvanga power-scepter. Vajrakilaya holds his symbol – the Phurbu dagger in his lower right and left hands. Despite the large fangs and bulging eyes and his wrathful appearance,Vajrakilaya is perceived as having a benevolent demeanor. 
Vajrakilaya (enlightened activity) The deity representing enlightened activity is Vajrakilaya. In peaceful form, he is Vajrasattva, in semi-wrathful form he is Vajravidarana (Tibetan word is Dorje Namjom), in wrathful form he is Vajrapani, and in extremely wrathful form he is Vajrakilaya.  Vajrakilaya in Vajrayana Buddhism is considered to be one of the most potent mantras to dissolve the obstacles in your life. 
The practice can help to remove inner fear, cut self-clinging, and also help understand and realize the nature of the mind.It's said that the mantra shouldn't be recited loudly and openly due to the power of the mantra could post threats  and causing a great sufferings and inflict harm, pain, or misery to the worldly spirits. 

Vajrakilaya is a significant Vajrayana deity who transmutes and transcends obstacles and obscurations. Vajrakila is the divine form that governs the Kila. Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava achieved realization through practicing ‘Yangdag Heruka‘ but he first practiced Vajrakilaya to clean and clear obstacles and obscurations. 

In the biography of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava it is recorded that he travelled to the northern land of Kashakamala, where the cult of the Kila prevailed. Later, whilst meditating on the deity Yangdak Heruka in the ‘Asura Cave’ at Parping in the Kathmandu valley, he experienced many obstructions from the Maras, and in order to subjugate them he requests the Kila Vitotama Tantras to be brought from India. 
The First Buddhist Samye Monastery built in Tibet
When Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava Having established and consecrated the very first Tibetan Buddhist Samye Monastery with the Vajrakilaya rituals, he tamed the local spirit protector, Pehar Gyalp, and bound him by oath to become the head of the entire hierarchy of Buddhist protective spirits. Pehar, later known as Dorje.

The first transmission that Padmasambhava gave to his twenty-five ‘heart disciples’, in order to eliminate the hindrances to the propagation of the Buddhadharma in Tibet, where the teachings of the Vajrakilaya Tantra. From its early Nyingma origins the practice of Vajrakilaya as a yidam deity with the power to cut through any obstructions was absorbed into all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Guru Rinpoche and his closest disciple Yeshé Tsogyal travelled all over Tibet and the Himalayas, and blessed and consecrated the entire land, especially: “the twenty snow mountains of Ngari, the twenty-one Sadhana places of Ü and Tsang, the twenty-five great pilgrimage places of Dokham, the three hidden lands, five ravines, three valleys and one region.”

Guru Padmasambhava made many prophecies about the future, and together with Yeshé Tsogyal concealed countless Terma teachings, in order to: prevent the destruction of the teachings of the secret Tantrayana; avoid corruption of the Vajrayana or its alteration by intellectuals; preserve the blessing; and benefit future followers. For each of these Terma treasures, he predicted the time of its revelation, the identity of the Revealer, and those who would receive and hold the teachings. 
A place called Tiger’s Lair, Taktsang in Bhutan, Guru Rinpoche manifested in “the terrifying wrathful form of crazy wisdom”, binding worldly spirits under oath to protect the Terma treasures and serve the Dharma. Then he was named Dorje Drolo, ‘Wild Wrathful Vajra’ and the fierce manifestation of Vajrakilaya (wrathful Vajrasattva).

In requesting and entering the *empowerment mandala of Vajrakilaya, you should set your motivation, first and foremost, as being not just for yourself, but in order to gain the capacity to liberate all sentient beings. Let your altruistic aspiration be the liberation of all sentient beings from their sufferings. The process is called empowerment, or initiation . 

It is a key element to the practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. The initiation is necessary to practice. Just as perfume essences are grounded from various substances and made into oils, if they are not grounded and made into oils there will be no scent.

* Footnote 
For those who had received the empowerment of this Trantric practice, you are reminded not intentionally or unintentionally to disclose the mantra to the public or anyone who may not have the empowerment or permission to practice, and by disclosing the mantra intentionally or unintentionally is a form of breaking your Trantric Samaya vows to the lineage masters and Dharma protectors. 

Please consult your Guru or a qualified lineage master for Vajrayana practice! Should a devotee even want to start studying and contemplating the Vajrayana practice, then it is truly necessary to first have completed the preliminaries and to be certain and sure that Bodhicitta has arisen and developed in one’s mind.

Vajrayana features countless skillful and powerful methods which, if they are practiced in the proper way, can make the process of accumulation and purification incredibly swift and direct. It is absolutely necessary to have the pure motivation and to know that Vajrayana practice is not carried out to increase one’s own ego, power and profit.
Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?  

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general. 

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or infringe any copyright of the picture(s).
Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Benefits of Reciting Guru Rinpoche Vajra Mantra

If what you wish for does not happen as I have promised, I, Padma, have deceived sentient beings—absurd! I have not deceived you—it will happen just as I’ve promised.- By Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.
Yeshe Tsogyal, made a great outer, inner and secret mandala offering and humbly asked:

“O, Master Lotus Born, the work you have done for the welfare of all sentient beings here in Tibet, in this and in future lives, is vast. No one of such extreme kindness has ever come before, nor shall any come again. The practices you have given us are like essential nectar; though I am a lowly woman, of this I have no doubt. However, sentient beings in the future will have profuse thoughts and tremendous aggression; they will have wrong views towards the Holy Dharma, and in particular they will blaspheme the supreme teachings of the Secret Mantra. At that time, plague, famine and war will be widespread amongst sentient beings, and in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will be destroyed like ants’ nests, and a time of terrible suffering will befall the Tibetans.
“You have spoken of many ways to remedy these afflictions, but beings in the future will have no time to practice. Those who do have a slight inclination towards practice will be beset by powerful obstacles. Beings will not get along with one other; supplies and materials will be insufficient. Such terrible times as these will be extremely difficult to avert. In such times, Guru, what are the benefits of relying solely upon the practice of the Vajra Guru mantra? For the benefit of people of weak intellect in the future, I humbly entreat you to tell us.”
Guru Rinpoche spoke thus: -
In such future times, that practice will definitely be of short and long term benefit for sentient beings. Although I have concealed many earth treasures, water treasures, rock treasures, sky treasures and so on which contain unfathomable pith instructions and methods of practice, in the degenerate times it will be terribly difficult for fortunate beings to find the conditions and circumstances to meet with the teachings; this is a sign that beings’ merit is running out.
“However, in such times as those, this essential Vajra Guru mantra—if recited with vast bodhicitta aspiration in great sacred places, in monasteries, on the peaks of high mountains and the shores of vast rivers, in places inhabited by gods, demons and evil spirits, at the heads of valleys, geophysical junctions and so on—by ngakpas with unbroken samaya, vow-holding monastics, faithful men, women of fine qualities, and the like, however many times:—
One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million, one hundred million, etc.—will bring inconceivable benefits and powers. Countries everywhere will be protected from all plague, famine, warfare, armed violence, poor harvests, bad omens and evil spells. Rain will fall on time, harvests and livestock will be excellent, and lands will prosper. In this life, future lives, and on the pathways of the bardo, fortunate practitioners will meet me again and again.
“Even one hundred recitations per day without interruption will make you attractive to others, and food, wealth and enjoyments will appear effortlessly. If you recite the mantra one thousand, ten thousand, or more times per day, you will bring others under your influence with your brilliance, and blessings and powers will be continuously and unobstructedly obtained. 
If you perform one hundred thousand, ten million or more recitations, the three worlds will come under your power, the three levels of existence will fall under your glorious sway, gods and spirits will be at your bidding, the four modes of enlightened activity will be accomplished without hindrance, and you will be able to bring immeasurable benefit to all sentient beings in whatever ways are needed. 
If you can do thirty million, seventy million or more recitations, you will never be separate from the Buddhas of the three times nor ever apart from me; thus, the eight classes of gods and spirits will obey your orders, praise your words, and accomplish whatever tasks you entrust to them.
“At best, practitioners will attain the rainbow body; failing that, at the time of death, mother and child luminosities will meet; and at the very least, they will see me in the bardo and all their perceptions having been liberated into their essential nature, they will be reborn in Ngayab Ling and accomplish immeasurable benefit for sentient beings.”

Friday, July 22, 2016

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Om Mani Padme Hum,
Om Mani Padme Hum,


According to the Mahayana Buddhism, today July 22, it's the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's enlightenment day.  Avalokitesvara is a Bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is variably depicted and described and is portrayed in different cultures as either female or male. 

In Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokiteśvara has become the somewhat different female form and famously known as the Guan Yin Bodhisattva or The Goddess of Mercy 南摩觀世音菩薩 or 南摩觀自在菩薩. 
In Tibet, Avalokitesvara played as an important  role in Tibetan Buddhism, and is regarded in the Vajrayana teachings as a Buddha. He is called Chenrezig. His eleven heads, which can be interpreted as corresponding to the eleven points of a mandala (its center, four cardinal points, four intermediate points, nadir, and zenith), are arranged in five registers. 

The lowest, displaying peaceful countenances, is surmounted by three levels of wrathful forms; the peaceful Buddha Amitabha is at the top. Each head represents an aspect of the compassionate deity, even the wrathful forms, which reflect Avalokiteshvara's ability to meet ferocious powers with comparable strength, although his heart remains full of compassion. 
His arms, intended to represent the auspicious number one thousand, stretch around him like a wide halo, each bearing an eye to symbolize his unhindered capacity to see. The outstretched hands poignantly suggest an immediate association between the deity's perception of his devotees' needs and his willingness to extend himself to relieve their suffering.

Accordingly, to the Vajrayana Buddhism, The Goddess of Tara came into existence from a single tear shed by Avalokiteśvara. When the tear fell to the ground, it created a lake, and a lotus opening in the lake revealed Tara. 

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or violate any infringement of copyright of these pictures, Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Namo Buddha Ya

Buddhism and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha. The Buddha lived and taught in the Indian. He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (or dukkha), achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth.

Buddhism and the Dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on the teachings attributed to the Buddha. Buddhism originated in India, from where it spread through much of Asia, The three major branches of Buddhism are : Theravada , Mahayana and Vajrayana. 
Buddhist schools vary on the exact nature of the path to liberation, the importance and canonicity of various teachings and scriptures, and especially their respective practices. Practices of Buddhism include Refuge, Samatha, Vipassana, Bodhicitta and etc. 
Three major branches of Buddhism feature with different countless skilful and variety of methods which, if they are practised in the proper way, can make the process of accumulation and purification incredibly swift and direct.
In general, Buddhism is a way of finding peace within oneself. It is a religion that helps us to find the happiness and contentment we seek. Buddhists develop inner peace, kindness and wisdom through their daily practice; and then share their experience with others bringing real benefit to this world. They try not to harm others and to live peacefully and gently, working towards the ultimate goal of pure and lasting happiness for all living beings.

Thank you for reading, may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps to spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
For those in whom the precious Bodhichitta has not arisen
May it arise and not decrease
But increase further and further.

Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

I do not own or violated any infringement of copyright of these pictures, Pictures courtesy and credit to the rightful owners.