Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva - 龍樹菩薩

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva - 龍樹菩薩
As one of the six great commentators on the Buddha's teaching. He born in South India from 150 CE to 250 CE and is revered by all Buddhist schools. His teachings are the basis of the "Madhyamaka school" of Mahayana Buddhism. 
Madhyamaka school in Chinese is known as the (中觀派the middle way philosophy of emptiness. Nagarjuna he is also credited with developing the philosophy of the Prajnaparamita sutra(般若波羅蜜多to the human realm from the Naga world.  

Madhyamaka - In explaining the philosophy of Madhyamika, Nagarjuna presented four positions he would not take:-
All things (dharmas) exist; affirmation of being, negation of nonbeing.All things do not exst; affirmation of nonbeing, negation of being.All things both exist and do not exist; both affirmation and negation.All things neither exist or do not exist; neither affirmation nor negation.

The Nagarjuna holy statue photos were taken by me when I was in the Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland UK in December 2012.

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva he is counted among the 84 great mahasiddhas of India. His famous writings include the "Precious Garden" , "Letter to a friend" and "Commentary on Bodhichitta"

His commentaries were renowned for their ability to convey outer, inner and secret levels of meaning, corresponding to the three turnings of the Wheel of Dharma and his main disciple was Aryadeva.

According to a 4th or 5th-century biography translated by Kumarajiva that Nagarjuna was born in a Brahmin family and later became a Buddhist.

Some sources claim that Nagarjuna lived on the mountain of Sriparvata in his later years, near the city that would later be called  Hill of Nagarjuna.Nagarjunako was located in Guntar district of Andhra Pradesh.

With your continuing support to read my blog , it helps to spread the Dharma knowledge and as well turning the Dharma wheel to the world.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings

Monday, November 3, 2014

With His Eminent Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche in Singapore

His Venerable Tulku Nuptul Tenpei Nyinma Rinpoche is the dharma translator tonight.
Today the Mahasukha Malaysia and Singapore committees and others are attending the Dharma teaching and oral transmission of Seven Line prayers by H.E Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche and his teaching was translated by Venerable Tulku Nuptul Rinpoche today. I was with other Malaysian teams who are fortunate to have the opportunities by receiving His blessing and spiritual guidance tonight in Braddell Hill Singapore. 

H.E Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche is performing the Seven Line Prayers oral transmission.
H.E Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche he is a precious master from Dodrupchen  Monastery Shikkim India, and he has never traveled to Asia before, and this is his very first time travel out of India to Singapore.  H. E Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche he is the very important person to His Holiness the 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche, The Dharma King. His Holiness the 4th Dodrupchen is the most important master in Nyingma and Dzongchen traditions and the principal holder of the Longchen Nyingtik teaching. We were very fortunate to be able to receive H. E Lopon Thegchok Rinpoche dharma teachings and oral transmission of the Seven Line Prayers at the Braddell Hill Singapore. His teaching covered up on many aspects of teaching, including the lineage teaching, Bodhichitta concepts, Guru Rinpoche supplication , seven line prayers. 

With your continuing support to read my blog , it helps to spread the Dharma knowledge and as well turning the Dharma wheel to the world.
Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings

What Is Buddhist Culties ?

Buddhist cultists is a very serious threats  in today's Buddhism world, A cult can be defined by the english dictionary as , A religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false , with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

A usually nonscientific method or regimen by its originator to have excludsive or exception power in curing a particular disease. Obsessive , espeicially faddish , devotion to or veneration for a person , principal.

Some keywords or signes where culties can be spotted as follows:-
  1. The leader is always right.
  2. No questioning. 
  3. The entire world is against us.
  4. No one else is right.
  5. Financial exploitation.
  6. Using fear and intimidation.
  7. Brainwashing.    
With your continuing support to read my blog , it helps to spread the Dharma knowledge and as well turning the Dharma wheel to the world.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Magic And Enchantments of The Kurukulle Dakini

The Magic and Enchantments of The Kurukulle Dakini                                        
Kurukulle Dakini 咕汝咕列佛母 or 作明空行母 Kurukulle, she is known as the wrathful standing Red Tara, she is signifies and magnetizing love, wealth and power with compassionate splendor Dakini literary means enlightened female sky travelers (空行母An enlightened female Dakinis she can be a very wrathful and peaceful deities and as well functioning as practitioner's Yidam. 

Kurukulle  she is portraits as a sixteen year old teenage girl and her color is red for her magical functions of enchantment and magnetism. She is always appearing in a single faced because she  embodies non dual wisdom that is beyond the conventional distinction of good and evil.
Kurukulle a female deity of the Lotus family, associated with the activity of magnetizing. She is usually depicted as red in color, in dancing posture and holding a flowery bow and arrow. She is also one of the Twenty-One Taras mentioned in the ancient Tara teachings.

In Vajrayana that enlightened activity is spoken of in terms of four modes of activity:- 
  • Pacifying.
  • Enriching.
  • Magnetizing. 
  • Destroying. 
Kurukulle Dakini she is represents the Magnetizing and this is her special field, and it is to deploy that particular quality of enlightenment that a practitioner would undertake her practice. Her appearance is in a naked form, is to show that she is unconditioned by discursive thoughts. She has four arms, which represented four immeasurable states of mind. 
The four immeasurable states of mind
  1. Immeasurable is signifies of Love.
  2. Immeasurable is signifies of Compassion.
  3. Immeasurable is signifies of Joy.
  4. Immeasurable is signifies of Equanimity.
Her single faced and with three eyes, that signify she can see the past, present and the future. She has five skulls as her crown ornament and wearing a tiger skin skirt to show that she has overcome anger and encircled by a wisdom fire. 
She is standing on a sun seat, trampling the corpse of ignorance and she is holding a bow and arrow in the first pair of hands and a hook and lasso in the lower pair.  

By practicing the Kurukulle Dakini will be able to magnetize favorable conditions, prosperity, longevity, wisdom, increase our relationship with others, achieve respect and support from relatives, friends , superiors  and subordinates and will be able to accomplish the activities of worldly as well as liberation. Kurukulle is the goddess of power and she is included as one of the 21 Taras attendants.
A wrathful Dakini is having its special purposes for purification, removing obstacles, egoistic, ignorant and etc. The wrathful and peaceful deities, both can be functioning as our personal Yidam, this is a unique and profound practices for Vajrayana practitioners.

One who needs to have received the blessing and guidance, empowerment and transmissions from their Guru. A Guru with his wisdoms will then choose a particular deity or Buddha, Bodhisattva as Yidam for his or her student spiritual developments.

Please consult your Guru or a qualified lineage master for any Vajrayana practices! Should a devotee even want to start studying and contemplating the Tantric , then it is truly necessary to first have completed the preliminaries and to be certain and sure that Bodhichitta has arisen and developed in one’s mind. 

Vajrayana features countless skillful and powerful methods which, if they are practiced in the proper way, can make the process of accumulation and purification incredibly swift and direct. It is absolutely necessary to have the pure motivation and to know that Vajrayana practice is not carried out to increase one’s own ego, power and self-interests.
Do you earnestly cherish our devoted work? Assuming this is the case, we are delighted that you are finding our blog useful and valuable. Would you consider making a donation for our Buddhist research and development?  

We need your help to secure the future of scholarly interaction with Buddhism. Since our very first publication of Dharma works and activities in the year 2008, we had been effortlessly providing free distribution of Dharma posts and articles throughout the previous 10 years.  We have exceptionally constrained supports and do not receive subsidized or funding from people in general. 

Please help us and to develop our Dharma activities that will not only benefit you, but to all Dharma readers on the planet. Please consider showing your support. Your generosity will certainly help us to enhance our work and to accomplish for a better and brighter prospect to come. 

Thank you for reading and may you find peace and great bliss. With your support it helps spread the Buddha’s precious teachings and turning the Dharma wheels in the world.

Aspiration For Bodhichitta
May the precious Bodhichitta arise
Where it has not arisen
And where it has arisen may it not decrease
But increase further and further.

Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.
With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

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Picture(s) courtesy and credit to the rightful distributors and or studios.
Picture(s) is/are intended for editorial use only.

The Five Dhyani Buddhas - Amoghasiddhi (成就如來) Part 5

The five Dhyani Buddhas family

Each of every Buddha it uniquely different from each others and appearing with different mudras. The five dhyani buddhas are representations of the five qualities of the Buddhas.These five Buddhas are a common subject of Vajrayana Mandalas.

When these Buddhas are represented in mandalas, they are not always the same colors or be related to the same directions. The five Dhyani Buddhas can be described as follows :-

1. Ratnasambhava Buddha. 寳生如來
2. Akshobhya Buddha. 阿閦如來
3. Vairocana Buddha. 毘盧遮那佛大日如來
4. Amithabha Buddha. 阿彌陀佛
5. Amoghasiddhi Buddha. 成就如來

Amoghasiddhi Buddha he is represents the Karma family. He is the Buddha of the North direction. 
His syllable is "Ah" 
His color is in green.
His element is signifies or represents air and wind 
His symbolism is the double Vajra.
His wisdom is signifies as all accomplishing and the wisdom of perfect practice.
His hands mudras are signify as fearlessness.
He is symbolizes or associated with autumn season.
His consort is Green Tara.
His Dhyani Bodhisattva is Visvapani.
His Pure Land is called Prakuta, the Northern Pure Land.

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings 

The Five Dhyani Buddhas - Amithabha (阿彌陀佛) Part 4

The five Dhyani Buddhas family

Each of every Buddha it uniquely different from each others and appearing with different mudras. The five dhyani buddhas are representations of the five qualities of the Buddhas.These five Buddhas are a common subject of Vajrayana Mandalas.

When these Buddhas are represented in mandalas, they are not always the same colors or be related to the same directions. The five Dhyani Buddhas can be described as follows :-

1. Ratnasambhava Buddha. 寳生如來
2. Akshobhya Buddha. 阿閦如來
3. Vairocana Buddha. 毘盧遮那佛大日如來
4. Amithabha Buddha. 阿彌陀佛
5. Amoghasiddhi Buddha. 成就如來

Amithabha  Buddha he is represents the Padma family. He is the Buddha of the West direction. 
His syllable is "Hrih" 
His color is in red.
His element is signifies or represents fire 
His symbolism is the Lotus.
His wisdom is signifies as Inquisitive and the wisdom of observation.
His hands mudras are signify as Meditation.
He is symbolizes or associated with summer season.
His consort is Pandara.
His Dhyani Bodhisattva is Avalokiteshvara.
His Pure Land is called Sukhavati, the Western Pure Land.

Amoghasiddhi Buddha. 成就如來to be continued in part  5

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings

The Five Dhyani Buddhas -Vairocana (大日如來) Part 3

The five Dhyani Buddhas family

Each of every Buddha it uniquely different from each others and appearing with different mudras. The five dhyani buddhas are representations of the five qualities of the Buddhas.These five Buddhas are a common subject of Vajrayana Mandalas.

When these Buddhas are represented in mandalas, they are not always the same colors or be related to the same directions. The five Dhyani Buddhas can be described as follows :-

1. Ratnasambhava Buddha. 寳生如來
2. Akshobhya Buddha. 阿閦如來
3. Vairocana Buddha. 毘盧遮那佛大日如來
4. Amithabha Buddha. 阿彌陀佛
5. Amoghasiddhi Buddha. 成就如來

Vairocana  Buddha he is represents the Buddha family. He is the Buddha of the Center direction. 
His syllable is "Om
His color is in white
His element is signifies or represents Space or Sky 
His symbolism is the wheel .
His wisdom is signifies as all accommodating. 
His hand mudras are signify as teaching the Dharma the essence of the Dharma realm meditation.
He is not symbolize or associated with any season.
His consort is White Tara or Sharmadhatvishvari.
His Dhyani Bodhisattva is Samantabhaadra.
His Pure Land is called Akanistha Ghanavyuha, the Center Pure Land.

Amithabha Buddha.阿彌陀佛to be continued in part  4

Dedication of merits
May those who read and sharing of this blog's information be peaceful and joyful. May the Buddha Dharma be flourished and the merits will be dedicated to the sentient beings