King Gesar the manifestation of Guru
Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava, as a famous warrior king or general. Some people think of King Gesar as a famous warrior king or general, like Alexander the Great or the Chinese war gods.
Others are of the opinion that King Gesar is primarily something like a * terton * an individual blessed by Guru Rinpoche who manifests to benefit beings through that blessing.
But the real nature of the manifestation we know as King Gesar is actually that of Guru Rinpoche himself appearing in the form of a ** drala ** legendary warrior king who is invoked as a protector of the teachings.
* Terton *
A revealer of spiritual treasures (terma) hidden by Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal for the benefit of future generations.
** Drala **
A dynamically active non-human beings inhabiting the air element, who are usually invisible to ordinary human perception. They form the retinue and agents of Gesar and are usually portrayed as wild, fearless warriors on horseback.
Prayer to Guru Rinpoche to clear away obstacles on the path.
Du sum sang gyay guru rinpoche
Ngo drup kun dak de wa chhen poi zhap
Bar chhad kun sel dud dul drak po tsal
Sol was deb so jyin gyiy lap tu Sol
Chhyi nang sang wai bar chhad zhi wa dang
Sam pa lhun gyi drup par jyin gyi lob
Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hung
(Please repeat for 3 times, 21 times, 108 times)
Explanations of the Supplication prayer to Guru Rinpoche.
Guru Rinpoche, The Buddha of , past, present ,the Future.
Guru of the Great Blissful One, Lord and sources of all Accomplishments.
Wrathful Tamer of all maras, Dispelled of All Obstacles.
We pray to you, please grant your blessings and grace.
Please pacify all outer, inner and secret obstacles;
Bless and grace us with spontaneous fulfillment of our aspirations and prayers.
May you find peace and joyfulness within yourself when you are reading this Dharma.
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Nagarjuna's Dedication of Merit
So nam di yi tham chay zig pa nyi
Thob nay nye pa'i dra nam pham jay nay
Kye ga na chi'i ba lab thrug pa yi
Si pa'i tso lay dro war drol war shog.
By this merit may we obtain omniscience then.
Having defeated the enemies wrong-doings.
May we liberate migrators from the ocean of existence.With its stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.