When you first meet your pets, and spent together during it's last moments.
As an animal lover, the loss of our pet is something we dread. I have gone through this in 2013, with the death of my much-loved mixed breed Labrador, called "Prince".
Prince has just spent less than 2 years of his life with me, and Prince was given by my friend as a soulmate. Unfortunately, he died of pneumonia and the pained and sorrowed is too dreadful and unbearable for me, and ever since I had stopped keeping any pet with me.
Prince has just spent less than 2 years of his life with me, and Prince was given by my friend as a soulmate. Unfortunately, he died of pneumonia and the pained and sorrowed is too dreadful and unbearable for me, and ever since I had stopped keeping any pet with me.
Much has been written about the human-animal bond, and the benefits it can bring to owners of companion animals. It's the moment every pet owner dreads -when the time comes when they have to say a final goodbye to a faithful friend.

Cheryl shared her first image of her English Springer Spaniel Flynn with siblings when they were born.

Cheryl with her beloved pet and she was privileged to be the first to hold Him when he was born and I held him while he took his last breaths at his aged 11. There isn't a day goes by that I don't miss him dearly.

Another image of a cute and lovely puppy was held in his owner's arms, and after many years the dog has lived together with his owner. This was his last moments and the doggy said goodbye to me. I cried when I took the picture - Sad tory written by the owner.

Another sad moment, as the owner shared the photo of his beloved pet was having a fun time with his child. The owner took his pet around the park one last time before her pet rest in peace.
In a heartbreaking selection of images pet owners have shared the lifespan of their pets with their very first and very last moments with their four-legged friends. The moving pictures are accompanied by emotional messages from the pet's owners expressing their love for their dearly departed animal.
If you have a leaning towards Buddhism, it’s also very useful to create a positive association in your pet’s mind between Buddhist images/statues/mantras and a state of well-being. Murmuring mantras to your pets as you stroke with an example of this :– Om mani padme hum is one such mantra. Or if you are inclined to Tara practice – Om tare tuttare ture soha.
If you meditate regularly, there’s a good chance that your pet will want to join you. Let them. There’s plenty of research showing that animals’ perceptive abilities are, in certain respects, far more sensitive than humans’. If they are able to associate the practice of meditation with a positive state of being, so much the better.
From a Buddhist perspective, whether we are human or animal, we are constantly creating the causes for future effects, positive or negative. The more we are able to help our pet create imprints for a disposition towards enlightened actions, the better.
Puctures courtesy and credited to Redditch.com
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