August 29, 2015 is the 15th full moon day and is an auspicious day according to the Tibetan calendar, on this day is the auspicious prayer
day to be practiced as follows:-
- Amithabha Buddha Prayer Day.
- Sojong
On this
day, the effects of positive or negative actions are said to be
multiplied by *100
times according
to the Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. If you have committed a positive good
action, and you will be blessed with the positive 100 times of positive
Karma actions, but if one has committed the negative actions and it will
be multiplied by 100 times of bad and negative action.
Buddha he is represents the Padma family. He is the Buddha of the West
His Mantra is " OM AMI DEVA HRIH "
His Mantra in Chinese is " 南無阿彌陀佛 "
syllable is "Hrih"
His color
is in red.
element is signifies or represents fire
symbolism is the Lotus.
His wisdom
is signifies as Inquisitive
and the wisdom of observation.
hands mudras are signify as Meditation.
He is
symbolizes or associated with summer season.
consort is Pandara.
Dhyani Bodhisattva is Avalokiteshvara.
His Pure Land is called Sukhavati, the Western Pure Land .
Dewachen is the celestial mandala or the Amithabha Buddha pure land, and
in Sanskrit name is Sukhavatī and in Chinese is 西方極樂淨土.
Dewachen Prayer to Amithabha Buddha pure land /Sukhavatī往生西方極樂淨土經文
E ma ho
Ngo tshar sang gye nang wa tha ye dang
Ye su jo wo thug je chhen po dang
Yon du sem pa thu chhen thob nam la
Sang gye jang sem pag me khor gyi kor
De kyi ngo tshar pag tu me pa yi
De wa chen zhe ja wai zhing kham der
Dag ni di ne tshe pho gyur ma thag
Kye wa zhen gyi bar ma chho ba ru
De ru kye ne nang tha zhal thong shog
De ke dag gi mon lam tab ba di
Chhog chu sang gye jang sem tham che kyi
Geg me drub par jin gyi lab tu sol
Tat ya tha pen tsan dri ya a wa Bodha ni so ha
Chhog du gyal wa se che gong
Tshog nyi dzog la je yi rang
Dag gi du sum ge sag pa
Kun chhog sum la chho ba bul
Gyal wai ten pa phel gyur chig
Ge wa sem chen kun la ngo
Dro kun sang gye thob gyur chig
Ge tsa tham che chig du te
Dag gi gyu la min gyur chi
Drib nyi dag ne tshog dzog te
Tshe ring ne me nyam tog phel
Tshe dir sa chu non gyur chig
De wa chen du kye gyur chi
Kye ne pe mai kha je te
Lu ten de la sang gye shog
Jang chhub thob ne ji si du
Trul pe dro wa dren par shog